Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Winds of Change

Last week, Lily and I got to surprise Mom for Mother's Day.  We pulled the surprise off without a hitch and it was PERFECT!  She was absolutely surprised and it was so much fun to shock her with our presence and then tell her that we are moving back to Denver.  So special.

Visiting the mountains again was wonderful and it is so much fun to watch Lily explore and discover everything.  

Now that she is more talkative she loves to try new words and the animals were simply fascinating!  Her favorites of the week were Oreo which started as O-E-O and turned into E-O-E-O-E-O and Bon Bon which sounded a lot lik BAW BAW.  Feddy is still a hard word to say and by the end of the week Lily started calling Feddy and Kemo, Bamma and Bampa.  It is so true that these kiddos find a name that works for their grandparents and run with it.

The Pond held a special fascination for Miss Lily.  WATER!!!! She could not get into the water fast enough.  I was holding her back with all of my strength.  First to do in Colorado.......Get some swimming lessons!

The horse corral was also a special place for her too.  She loved it.  

Scooping poops, playing in the dirt and watching the doggies provided endless hours of fun.

It really was a special week together.  One of the special moments of the week was when Lily's cousins Mckena and Kennleigh came up to the mountain.  

They all love Bon Bon and so they walked up to the horses together.  After seeing this precious moment I couldn't help but be overly excited about moving closer to everyone.

There is so much still to do and I am very overwhelmed, but I am excited about the next big change in our lives.

In other news, I have decided to do The Master Cleanse.  I have been wanting to do a cleanse for a while, but I was either working, pregnant, nursing, training for marathons or simply too busy.  With Bob being home I thought now would be the perfect time.  In preparing for this cleanse, I have been doing a lot of reading on the subject.  So I have decided to journal my experience.  I plan on starting tomorrow, doing 2 days of pre cleanse and then 10 days of the cleanse.  Keep posted to hear my story!

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