Sunday, August 28, 2022

August Moments

August was a whirlwind of a month.  With school starting and trying to get back in a groove time simply flew.  

The biggest thing that happened was that Bob started working on our huge solar project!  He has wanted to put solar panels on our house for years and we finally made the purchase.  Its a HUGE project with many moving parts, but we got the process started this month.

We also found some other DIY projects to tackle including replacing the floor of our shower.  Turns out Arizona water and white stone tile don't mix real well.  Lesson learned.

Steve came for a quick visit from Texas.  And we had a movie game night with the Hills.

Evie finally got her own room....

And Lily got the rain she prays daily for....

The kids went back to school!

And in a flash August was a memory!

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Evie is off to 4th Grade!

"Mom, I am SO excited to learn!"

These were the words the Bee told me as we were leaving the Meet the Teacher night.  I could have nearly jumped for joy.  COVID and the pandemic was really hard on this little girl and getting her love for learning back has taken a year and a fantastic teacher (thank you Mrs. Argos!).  Evie stormed right into the school, found her friends, met her teacher and walked out ready for the year.  I am gonna say it, this is gonna be a great year for Evie!

Evie has done a lot of growing up over the past few months.  She is an entirely different person than her sister and she exudes personality.  Everything about this kid is BIG even if it comes in a small package.  Relentless Evie is going to do all the things and honestly, Im here for it. handsome is Bob??

Okay, I digress.  Evie and her Daddy are two peas in a pod, cut from the same cloth.  Its been a year of growth for both of them.  But the love that exists between the two of them is really enormously big. 

Evie and Lily are ultimate Frenemies right now.  Evie will not stay in the shadows of her big sister, and Lily doesn't love to share the light right now. Its normal and all the things.  I am so deeply grateful that Evie is 100% unwilling to shrink for anything.

Evie is still an avid gymnast and has decided to add diving to her sports this year.  Bob is thrilled and Evie is loving it.  Looking forward to seeing where that will take her!

Evie Bee, I seriously love you all the ways.  You have helped me grow and learn and stretch in the most amazing of ways.  You are a true fighter, a true world changer, a relentless pursuer of the yes.  Keep your eyes on Jesus Bee, and keep stretching yourself to love outside of your own world.  The road ahead of you is wide open girlie and the possibilities are endless.

Love you

Evie Bee, 

Your hugs and love are the joy of my life. I love you so much and it's been a great year of watching you grow. You are learning to control your feelings so well and are learning how to make it through the day with love and kindness to the people who love you the most. I'm so proud of you and how great you're doing. I love you foreverness and to the moon and back! Go bee awesome! 

Love Dad


Friday, August 5, 2022

From Kindergarten to 6th Grade!

First she went to Kindergarten.....


Then 1st grade......

Second grade was one of her absolute favorites......

Third grade came and she grew up over night......

She did 4th grade in a pandemic.....

Then went to 5th grade and found her place.....

Now, today, this little girl has begun her final year as an elementary student.  Time is a sneaky thief, and she is now full fledged young woman.  Bold, daring, and top dog at school.  Oh time where have you gone?

She starts this year my height and with all of the confidence I prayed for her to have.  She's got big goals this year the first being Student Body President and if last year is any indication, she will navigate that candidacy with ease.  

This year we are so blessed and fortunate to have Adrienne Gardner as her teacher.  Adrienne goes to our church and has gotten to know Lily not only through student council, but also through the church body.  She is an amazing woman and I am so excited to watch Lily grown and flourish under her.

Lily will be competing with the 13-15 year old synchronized swimming group in the Arizona Desert Dolphins.  We are excited to sit pool side and watch this mermaid do her magic.  She is incredible and so beautiful in the water.  Oh I am excited.

Lily Grace,  I always promised myself that I would forever be excited about you growing up, spreading your wings, and flying.  But I won't lie this year it all feels like its happening so fast.  Never the less I wouldn't want to ground you......not ever.  This year, do your thing, meet your goals, do the hard work, and get what you want.  Dream it, chase it, and then DO IT.  I'm here, in your corner, definitely going to be a little shorter by the end of this year, but still your mighty Mom.  I believe in you.  Shine that Jesus light, love others, be kind and compassionate, be humble, and be bold. Always on your team.


Lily, you are amazing! I love watching you grow into a mature, problem-solving woman! Each day you learn to do more and more as you grow in love, kindness, and compassion. I'm so impressed watching you learn to do hard things! Being around you makes me want to be a better dad and you inspire me with your courage and intelligence. Keep being awesome, kid! 

Love Dad