Sunday, June 24, 2012

How we became a Family

A year ago, Bob and I sat on the floor of the Jessups tiny one bedroom apartment and proposed the idea of our families living together.  Our reasons were sound and our families were both in a place of transition, but looking back on that moment, we must have looked absolutely out of our minds.  How in the world would it even be possible for two young families to even consider the idea of living together? Had Bob and I officially crossed over to Crazyville?  What I love about Grace and Sebron though, is that instead of running away from the idea, they embraced it.

July 2011- the day we moved in together
Two months after that evening, we were moving into our two story home.  Many thought we were crazy, many questioned our ability to live together and remain friends, but we all knew that the Lord had blessed us with a unique opportunity and we were all excited about it.

Our first month together was a time of discovering boundaries and trying to figure out how "communal" we really could live.
Our first 5K together
 Since we shared one kitchen and it was in Bob and my territory, I know that Grace and Sebron struggled with how often they could come and go and whether or not there were public "kitchen hours."  Alternately, Bob and I struggled with wondering whether or not we could go downstairs at will to feed the kitties or change the laundry.  Wondering if we needed to give them notice, or call down.  That first month was, at times, awkward.

Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A
But then something amazing happened.  We started living. Together.  Where we were and whose stuff we were using started to become irrelevant because our relationships were so much more important.  Slowly the house became our home.  Grace became my sister. Always there for me, always only a moment away. There was something so bonding about waking up with a crying baby and hearing Jancsi downstairs.  I knew that Grace was up too.  There was camaraderie and support just knowing that I wasn't alone.  Being a stay at home Mom with Grace was healing, empowering and life giving.  Our conversations were so deep, so powerful and so authentic.

June 2012- the day before we moved out
I know why the Lord calls us to live in community.  Only in community can you truly know, love and connect with others without pretense.  To call Grace a friend seems somehow underrated.  She is so much more than that to me and I will never be able to communicate in words all that she is.  She, Sebron and Jancsi are family and a part of the Longmire's will forever be with them.

1 comment:

  1. I'm covered in dirt and hay dust and even Sebron says I look like a raccoon right now... we finally have internet and I got to read this post. We will always consider you guys part of our family. We miss you all like crazy! Thank you for following God's leading and suggesting that crazy idea of living together. We were blessed.
