Sunday, March 6, 2011

4 Months Today!

Our little sweet baby is 4 months today and we cannot believe how much she is growing and changing. This parenting thing is so much fun and we are loving every moment with her.

Lily has been excelling by leaps and bounds and showing us how smart she is. After we came home from Colorado she really made a huge developmental leap and we have been seeing the fruits of her mental labor all week.

Since she was born her swing has been a staple in her little life and had become the one place where I could guarantee she would sleep and sleep hard. It was getting to be a problem because she would go to bed in her bed and then at 2 AM wake up and be unable to get back to sleep in her bed. After a few nights of desperately trying to teach her to sleep in her bed for the whole night and countless hours of missed mommy sleep, I just gave up and started putting her in her swing. As Colorado approached I was worried because with two bags, a diaper bag, a car seat a baby and a mommy, there was no way that I was going to try to take the swing too. I just kept telling her that the week in CO was going to be the week that we broke her of her need for the swing. And broke her we did. She has become a sleeping rockstar!

We put her down every night at 8 PM and she goes out like a light. Most nights she doesn't wake me up until about 3:30 or 4 AM. After I feed and change her she goes back to sleep IN HER BED until 6:30 or 7 in the morning. What an awesome kiddo!

The neatest developmental change that we have seen is that she is actually reaching for things and pulling them towards her (and into her mouth). We clip these great little links onto her car seat and swing and just watch her grab them and work them.

It is amazing to watch her little mind turning and working out those appendages to her advantage. She still gets frustrated and tires super easily, but I don't blame her! She is working so hard and her concentration is unbelievable!

And, Oh my goodness! We got out her Bumbo and she can now sit up in it. Bob put it on the table and stuck her in. I love this picture of him looking at her.

She is not really sure that she is ready for the sitting up thing yet so we aren't pushing it but how cute is she??

We had a funny moment a few nights ago. Bob was changing her and getting her ready for bed and I told him to put her in a onsie with feet. So he pulls a onsie out and starts getting her dressed. A couple of minutes later I hear him say, "Hey Babe, the onsie that I grabbed doesn't have feet, is that okay?"

I told him that the long-sleeved onsies should all have feet and went in to investigate. I discovered that he had managed to put her in a onsie upside down (yes, with her feet in the arms spot), and didn't realize his folly until he went to stick her arms in and realized, "Ah Ha there are those feet."

I couldn't help but raz him a bit because after all, wouldn't the upside down "I love Daddy," have given him some sort of guide for directional accuracy? Nope guess not. It was certainly a great picture moment and a story worth hanging onto!

This week we head to the doctor for a 4 month check up and yes, more yucky shots. I am going to try the tylenol avenue this time and hope it helps her. If any of you moms out there have any other ideas for getting through the shots with minimal drama, I am all ears!

Lily has most definitely taken up a firm residence in both Bob and My hearts and we are more in love with her every day.


  1. Oh I just love that little gal! She's so precious! Isn't it so much fun seeing them grow and develop? I can't wait to meet her someday :)

  2. Aunt Linda and the 4-footed gang!!March 18, 2011 at 9:01 AM

    I got to see Lily and Bethany on Weds AM....she is so much cute in person!!! I don"t know how to put one or two of these great pictures on, so hopefully Bethany will do it!! Some girls from work were having lunch(we had breakfast), so Bethany got to meet some of the wonderful women I have the priviledge of working with!! Lily is sooo cute(and I am not biased) much better in was so great to see her(both "hers") I can tell you one thing great grandma and grandpa will really have her spoiled(like she isn"t already!!!) Love you guys and miss you already!!!!:-)
