Friday, January 4, 2013

On to Chicago!

Well on the afternoon of Christmas Day we all headed out to the airport to catch our much anticipated flight out to Illinois to see Bob's family. It has been far too many years since we have spent the holidays with them and we were all looking forward to it.  

Although Lily was sicker than sick and exhausted, she did everything possible but sleep on the 2 hour flight to our destination.  At one point in time she laid down on the middle seat kicking her feet up to the sky singing, “Shake your booty, shake your booty!”  And no, neither Bob nor I taught her that.  We did however, laugh until we were practically crying.  

We made it to Chicago with little other adventure, got our bags and dropped Miss Lily into the arms of her anxious Gramma Jill who was only too happy to take charge.  Although it was a late night, we made it home and headed straight to bed.  In the morning Lily was only too happy to help her Gramma with the dishes, a trick I really should take advantage of at home.

Uncle Brent, Aunt Darcie and Cousin Nathan made it in and we had a great time reconnecting and watching the two little cousins interact.  

Lily was precious albeit protective and concerned about her stuff.  It was wonderful to have them together and such a great time to catch up with Darcie and Brent.  We even let the little munchkins take a bath together.  Lily was THRILLED to have a bath buddy and only too quick to help wash him off by pouring the cup of water on him.   Nathan was happy to oblige her even when she got a little pushy.  She is gonna be a great big sister, hoping she doesn't drown the baby with a cup full of water!

The next morning was our Hill Christmas morning and Lily got another bushel of gifts.  

Her favorites of the morning were a slinky (who would have thought something so simple would be so much fun) and a little horse trailer with 2 horses in it.  Lily quickly named the horses RJ and Bon Bon.  She has carried them with her ever since.  It was most definitely a hit.  

 For some reason, Christmas time is so much more fun when you have little children in the mix.  There is so much awe and wonder in their little faces that you just can't help but smile and act as goofy as possible.  Its special.

After presents we stayed busy with a movie, “Les Miserables” (AMAZING) and some other errands.  Then in the afternoon we headed out to Barrington to see Bob and Darcie's Aunt Debbie and Uncle John.  We really see them so rarely that we couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend some time with them.  

Lily LOVED Aunt Debbie and Deb was only too happy to oblige the little dear with tower building, book reading and the like.  We had a great evening with all of them.  Holidays are simply wonderful.  

Bob and I also got an amazing treat on the morning that we left for Iowa.  Bryce, Ryan and Kimmy Hickerson have been special friends to us and Bryce and Ryan were Bob's best friends growing up.  Both of them stood in our wedding and we have sorely missed seeing them over the past few years.  Our lives have all taken us in different directions and down different paths, but the Lord opened up a special opportunity for us to see them all.  Ryan and Heather, Kimmy, Bryce and his future wife Rachel all met us for breakfast and we were simply overwhelmed with joy for seeing them again.  This family is a blessing to us and I pray that as our families grow we will be able to see more of each other!

Next stop?  IOWA!

1 comment:

  1. I believe that every 1-3 year old she get a slinky! Cameron came home with one randomly a few months ago and Caleb LOVES it! We gave one to my niece for her 1st birthday and it was hr favorite gift! Her brother (almost 4) loved it too!! (We actually gave my dad one for Christmas this year because he kept playing with the kids' slinkies!!). Super gift, super simple, and NO batteries or buttons! Looks like you guys had an amazing Christmas!
