Saturday, January 26, 2013

Dear Evie

Well sweet little girl, we are here at week 20 and I thought it was high time for me to write you your first letter.  This blog has been a special place for me to talk about our family, your sister Lily and now you.  I love you precious girlie and today I am so anxious to meet you.

Unfortunately, I have been sicker than sick with you in my tummy.  Don't worry, it is a good thing, its just hard for me.  With your sister I was done vomiting around week 18 or so and I woke up yesterday over the toilet.  It's hard to imagine that you are still 20 more weeks away!  You aren't supposed to come out until June 14th, so be sure you stay cooking until then okay?

You are growing like crazy and my tummy keeps getting bigger and bigger.  Both your Daddy and I have felt you move and I seem to feel every little turn and tumble that you do.  You have gotten so strong that sometimes I can see you move!  Its amazing little one.  As you get bigger, it seems that every muscle in my body is starting to stretch out.

I am still running, but I have to go slower these days.  You see, every time you grow, I do too!  Even though you are still super tiny, I weigh 10 more pounds!  WOW, huh?

Everybody is very excited to meet you, and your big sister Lily has already told me that she wants to teach you about horses and how to go hiking in the mountains.  She loves you  A LOT!

There is so much for us to do together Evie Frances.  So you keep growing!


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