Monday, January 21, 2013

Frosty's Frozen 10 Miler

Frosty was definitely not frozen this Saturday!  It was like a tropical heat wave during our wonderful 10 miler.  50 degrees by the start of the race, in January, in Colorado!  Honestly, it was wonderful and made for great running conditions.

With the stress of the past month and so much happening with the final arrangements for my Grandma Fran, I had missed several days of running.  Normally this would not be a big issue, but when you are pregnant, it seems like every day you feel different and get bigger.  I was so nervous about the race, but let me tell you, just like my dear girlfriend Grace said, "Bethany, your legs know how to run," and they did!

It was a fantastic race and wonderful to do it with Jill, Steve, Bob and Lily!   All of my running compadres were wonderful especially when this little girl sat on my bladder for 7 miles.  I think I had to stop 5 times to tinkle.  What is simply astounding is that when I pull over its like a dribble (I know, TMI), but seriously?  Ah pregnancy.  We had a great time and I finished ahead of everyone.

I love being a pregnant runner.  There is something so empowering about it.  It's hard to explain, but simply put, our bodies can do incredible things and I am simply amazed at mine.  This baby girl loves when I run.  She just settles in and goes with it.

I am looking forward to my next 10 miler in February and possibly a 1/2 marathon in March!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I am so proud of you! So glad you had such a great race! Looking forward to our little 5k in Feb!
