Friday, May 6, 2011

6 Months Today

Our little baby girl is 6 months today! What a wonderful past few months it has been. Today Lily had her 6 month checkup and was just as cute as could be. She weighed in at a solid 16.2 pounds and she was 25 3/4 inches long.

Everything is perfect and she is doing everything that she should. Her smiles are absolutely infectious and everywhere she goes people are always stopping me and telling me what a gorgeous little girl I have. They usually always comment that she looks just like me too. Sorry Bob!

Lily absolutely loves bananas and carrots right now and she is just so cute when she eats. She has started a new grunting thing. Whenever she gets in her high chair, she instantly starts grunting. Bob and I are convinced that her grunting is just her baby way of saying "I want more Mommy."

I am definitely going to have to work on those Please and Thank Yous. When she is not a ravenous little bird, she loves to roll around on the floor. I actually caught her under the couch the other day and couldn't resist the giggles that came.

She is desperately trying to figure out the crawling concept, but just can't make all of those appendages work in her favor. She gets on her tummy and then flails her arms, mashes her face into the carpet, bends her little knees and attempts to go forward. The determination is epic!

She absolutely LOVES paper and anything that crinkles and has discovered that peek-a-boo is the coolest game! She takes her blankets and burp clothes and puts them over her face and then pulls them off. It is so cute because sometimes we will come into the living room and find her laying on the floor with a blanket over her face. At night time she loves to sleep with her face covered. I know many would frown on that, but she loves it. Speaking of nighttimes, she is sleeping overall very well. She goes to bed right at 8 PM and I can usually get her to at least 5 AM and sometimes to 6! It is really cool because once I feed her, she goes right back to sleep until at least 7:30 or 8. Here is hoping she keeps up the trend.

Its hard to believe that she will be 1 in only 6 more short months. People don't lie when they tell you that the time goes by in a flash. Lily is such a treasure and a snuggly bundle of happiness.

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