Thursday, November 10, 2016

She's 6

It's the month of Lily.  I can't help it.  She is becoming this amazingly mature young girl these days and frankly, I am just in awe of her.  She has done so much growing up in this year where I have been less than present.  It's humbling and amazing and I am deeply looking forward to fully investing myself in her again.  

Lily's personhood is incredible and while she is cut from the same cloth as me, we are very different.  Lily is exceptionally cautious.  She likes to think things over before diving in.  Wrestling with the hows, whys and whats are like calling cards to her.  BUT.....when she decides she wants to do something?  That's it.  She boldly and bravely does her stuff.  Exhibit A?  She got her ears pierced this week.  She has been asking to get her ears pierced for a while, but wasn't quite "ready."  We talked a lot about what to expect and what would happen.  I even took her to the mall and we watched a girl get her ears pierced, but she just wasn't ready. "When I'm 6 Mommy."  Then.....she turned 6 and the day after her party she woke up determined. "Mommy, I want to get my ears pierced today."  So I took her.  I half expected to have her bail on the whole thing.....but she didn't.  This competent and confident young woman walked right in and got her ears pierced. 

Lily loves gymnastics, swimming, riding her bike, makeup, dress up, tickes and a good dose of Kids You Tube.  She loves to create things and process through problem solving.  She is already riding her bike to school these days.  She still likes me to be there when she arrives, but Lily gets herself across 2 big roads by herself on her bike.  I don't know of any other Kindergarteners that do that.  I am constantly wrestling with how bold to let her be.  I have these moments where I  think, "Gosh Bethany.....she's only 6!"  Then I catch myself going, "Awesome, my 6 year old is unstoppable."

Lily has a kind heart and a compassionate spirit.  It doesn't always manifest itself out loud, especially with her threenager sister, but it's there and it is overwhelmingly beautiful.  She sees the world in a special way and there are times where I have wished I could see it through her eyes.  Lily loves to share.  Not in that, I don't care about my stuff way, but in that, this is special to me but you are more special way.  Anytime she has a friend over she always wants them to have a toy to take home with them.  The most amazing part?  She doesn't really care if she ever gets it back.  She shares fully.  Again.....she is a really beautiful soul.

While many would say that I have inspired these 2 girls this year I would tell you the inspiration is mutual.  They are the reason I have chased my dreams with abandon, joy and commitment.  They see me as strong, they are quick to shout out, "Go Mommy," but they cannot fully grasp that their faces drive me more than really any other thing. Espcially Lily's.

I have seen Lily grow to understand the depth of doing something big this year.  I have watched as she has discovered her own abilities and those dreams that excite her.  She has more drive, determination, and confidence than I ever did at her age and all I can think every day is, Man, the sky is the limit girlie.

Baby girl, you are always quick to tell me, "I want to be like you when I grow up,"  but Lily, you already are.

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