Tuesday, November 1, 2016

My World Changer

Dearest Lily,

How proud I am of you this morning.  I spent my entire bike ride today in awe of you and your kindness and courage.  This Momma's heart is so happy.

Last night was Halloween and you simply dazzled as your own version of Ariel, the little mermaid.  You are beautiful and the shimmer of your costume matched you.  Everything about you is bright and joyful and bold and brave and beautiful.  You smile........and the world smiles back. You are delightful Lily Lu and I love you so so SO much.

But last night.........you did something that brought me to beautiful tears.  You did something completely on your own that showed Jesus to the world...........

Our neighborhood is one of the most popular trick or treating neighborhoods in the area.  Kids come from all over to fill their buckets.  We took you and your sister out and you guys gleefully went to every house you could to fill up your buckets.  When it was time to come home you asked if you could hand out our candy for a while.  So you sat all dressed up and patiently gave candy to all who visited.  With only a few candy pieces left I told you to finish and then we would close the door and say goodnight.  Without a moment's hesitation, you jumped up, ran into the kitchen and proceeded to dump nearly your entire bucket of candy into the bowl for the neighborhood kids. I asked you, "Lily honey, what are you doing?  Are you sure you want to give away your candy to the kids? You don't have to do that."  You turned, smiled and said simply, "I want to, I don't need it all."

You rushed back to the door just in time to satisfy another round of visiting costume-clad kids who had no idea that you had given them your candy without thought to yourself.  I was moved to tears.  Not only had you compassionately loved other kids by giving them something of yours, but you gave your best.  You LOVE M&Ms and Starbursts, but dislike Twizzlers and Skittles. I wouldn't have blamed you had you took out the "yucky" candy to give to others.

But you didn't.   You, sweetheart,  gave out of your abundance without prejudice. You simply saw a need and gave of yourself.

That's Jesus in you little girl, that's loving the world around you, that's being part of this amazing Kingdom of Heaven and I am SO proud of you.  You had courage and you were kind all on your own.  You are beautifully you Lily and I pray that your heart only continues to grow bigger.

You, Lily Grace, are a world changer and I am proud of you.

All my love,

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