Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Those Rotten Two and a Halfs

Lily literally woke up one day a while ago and decided that she was going to turn into a rotten two and a half year old.  I shouldn't be surprised because, lets face it, every toddler goes through it, but I was really unaware just how "awesome" this part of their little life is.

Her independence has quadrupled and now she throws all out kicking and screaming fits at the most inopportune times.  She adamantly says no to everything until she realizes that yes, in fact, she would like to get frozen yogurt.  We have also entered the "Why" stage.  Let me tell you folks, its really special.  One day she woke up and everything now is followed with a why, or two or three then seconded with a "No."  Goodness.  She is still cute as a button of course, and has her moments of utter sweetness and delight.  She is so very smart though.  Quickly she has discovered that the best time to be naughty is when I am on the couch feeding Evie.  I can't get her then......boy was she shocked when I super-mommed into her room the other day with a baby on the boob and spanked her little tushy hard for talking back to Grandma.  It was a shocker.  I am learning that some things are okay to let go and others take immediate action, no matter how busy my hands are.

She loves to run these days and wants to be in full motion all of the time.  I am happy about it though because it gives her an avenue of running off energy.  Jill has been taking her to the recreation center for swimming and the playground  2 to 3 times each week.

Boy is she gonna go through withdrawal when Gramma Jill goes home and Mommy doesn't take her as often.  Frankly I will too!

Lily is a precious little lady when it comes to Evie.  She absolutely LOVES to share her horseys and toys as well as hold her.  It is such a sense of pride when she puts a horsey near Evie and says, "Mommy, I share with Baby Evie."  The smile on her face delights me.

Potty training has been super hit or miss.  Lily just isn't ready I guess.  I am, of course, especially now that I have 2 in diapers.  The other day we gave it a college try and she peed on the floor twice and pooped in the bathtub.  Later she came to me and said, "Mommy, I want a diaper."  Oh well, live to fight another day.  I have been assured by many that she WILL in fact learn to pee pee and poo poo in the potty so its not something I want to worry about.....yet.

I cannot help but love her even in her rottenness.  Every night I am reminded of how special our relationship is when she wants extra hugs and says, "I wuv you Mommy!"  Just nothing better.

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