Monday, July 15, 2013

The Double Triple Bypass 2013

When Bob came to me almost a year ago and said to me, "Honey, I wan't to do the Double Triple Bypass ride," I was all for it, but I thought he might be a little crazy.  He registered, and then I got pregnant.  I had a feeling that it was going to be a bit much with only a month between baby and such a big event, but he was determined!

The ride is very intense.  It started in Evergreen Colorado and ended in Avon.  There was over 12,500 vertical feet of climbing, across 3 individual mountain passes each day.  What a ride.

Bob wanted to be on the road by 5:30AM last Saturday so we got ourselves and our kiddos in the car by 4:45 with all of our bags for the night (SO MUCH TO REMEMBER!!!).  After dropping Bob off at the start we met Uncle Tom and then headed to one of the aid stations.

The aid station was right outside of Georgetown.  Since we were a bit early, we let the high energy toddler out of the car to run around.  She peed through 2 pairs of shorts before 9AM so I decided running around in her diaper was just fine.

We got to the aid station just in time to see Bob pull in after climbing over Squaw Pass.  Lily instantly discovered that they have FOOD at the aid station and was completely unaware that you have to work for that food.  Its a good thing she is cute!

Lily helped her Daddy lubricate his bike gears and we sent him off to the next pass!

The next time we saw Bob was at the bottom of Loveland Pass right in the parking lot of the Loveland Ski Area.  It was very nostalgic, I grew up skiing there and haven't been back in ages!  Lily stood along the road with Gramma Jill shouting, "Go Bikers!"  It was so cute.

By the time Bob showed up, he was still looking good.  We hung out with him, Lily got another sandwich, and we enjoyed the mountain air.   It is so beautiful up there!  Evie slept soundly in her Grandma's arms the whole time.

I couldn't help but enjoy the sights we saw while driving and I was so grateful that I saw them in the comfort of my car and not on a tiny bike seat!

We got to stay in this amazing Condo in Beaver Creek, very ritzy, and while Lily was taking a much needed nap Tom and I went down to the finish to see Bob come across the line!  He came across smiling and feeling good.

The next morning, Tom, Chris and Bob all left for the start.  Bob was feeling it, but ready to ride.  Jill and I stayed home to gather the girls and all the nonsense associated.  It was quite a morning.  I ran out of diapers for Lily.  While nursing she pooped in her diaper and it came off of her.  I had to detach Evie, who began crying like mad, run to find a wipe, then take Lily commando to the car with Evie in our PJS and head to the store for diapers.  Boy, what a journey.

After the diaper fiasco, we got packed and in the car, said goodbye to Beaver Creek and headed to Idaho Springs to see the guys.

It was a chilly day and by the time we made it to Idaho Springs, the clouds were rolling in.  We made it in time to see the guys arrive.  They were all tired, but ready to finish the last 30 miles to the finish.

 Lily got another sandwich, we got the guys dressed for all the rain they would encounter and sent them off.  One more stop.....the finish!

There is so much that I won't tell you because this post is about Bob's accomplishment, but by the time we made it to the finish I was DONE, and ready to go home.  After 200+ miles of riding Bob came in with a smile on his face.

What a great accomplishment!

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