Tuesday, July 30, 2013

It's Busy and Beautiful

Well, slowly but surely I am figuring out how to do this stay at home thing with these two little ladies.  Some days are harder than others and some days one or more things gets forgotten, but overall, we are slowly settling into this new version of our life.  I LOVE IT!  Its busy and beautiful.

Enjoying out backyard and new Patio furniture!
Evie is growing so fast.  I remember it happening with Lily, but it seems even faster with this little one. We are working on smiling right now and every now and then I can get one out of her.  Oh it delights me when I do.  Her little eyes are so blue and there are moments where, if I look hard enough, I can see into her little soul.  I know, it sounds cheesy, but I am connected to this little girl in ways only a Mother could be.

There are days when all that I want her to do is sleep so that I can sleep.  I try to put her down and she fusses.  It is exhausting until I decide everything else can wait.  Once I pick her up and cuddle her she drifts off into a deep peaceful place.  She just wants to be near my heart I suppose.  Sometimes its hard to stop in the moment and just enjoy her nearness.  But when I do it is healing, refreshing and peaceful.  I simply love her.

My Lily is doing well too.  Evie demands so much of me that it is hard to save special Lily and me time.  I must say, I miss her.  Even when we are together, I have to commit so much energy to the baby and rely on Lily to be fairly independent.  Bob has been wonderful with Lily.  He calls her "his charge."  It seems a little objective, but it is so sweet.

He plays with her, wakes up in the night with her, watches Mickey Mouse for the 31st time with her and just simply loves on her.  She knows she is loved, even if she doesn't get all of the attention.

The job is busy, sometimes stressful and not always the way I want it to be, but I love it and thank the Lord, and my husband daily, that I have the privilege of being home.  I just couldn't imagine dropping my girls off every day.  My heart would break.

Evie and Lily are beautiful girls, part me, part Bob.  Every time that I look into their eyes I see a little bit of us both and its amazing.  I only pray that as they grow up and away from us, that they will grow closer to the Lord.  They may look like us, but I hope their hearts look like Jesus.

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