Sunday, November 27, 2011


We have uncovered a new faction of Alquida here in Colorado. It is the smaller lesser known faction Al-Cute-ah. The leader is Osama Bin Lily and she terrorizes her parents by refusing to sleep at all hours of the night. She can be heard screaming in the night, throwing her blankets in rage, arching her back in protest to her parents rocking attempts, refusing her bottle or pacifier and kicking her legs in protest of being forced to lay in her crib. She is hard to find because she usually masks in the form of the adorable smiling Lily Grace. Her methods are sneaky and just when you think that she is the cutest little baby you have ever seen and can do no wrong, she transforms into the midnight terrorist. You must have intestinal fortitude to wage the battle against the mighty Al-Cute-ah. We are hoping that a strong regiment of spankings, no no's and screaming herself silly will give us the victory against this organization! We will prevail!

I need a vacation from my vacation!

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear! Praying the rest of your stay is a bit calmer with lots more sleep!
