Saturday, June 11, 2022

Evie Bee is Nine!

Evie Bee turned nine right in the middle of our road trip.  It seems like we are always travelling on her birthday and she gets to celebrate all over the place!

In a word, Eve is RELENTLESS.  I have never met a more tenacious, determined, child.  I tell my friends all the time, this kid works hard to get a yes.  Even when the answer is no, she is a relentless pursuer of the yes.  Its amazing, and exhausting, and I hope a trait that will serve her well in her life.  Evie is big and bold and so so so fun.  Her giggles are catching and she is always up for a wild adventure.

We always tell Evie that she is FEARLESS.  Its true, but more than that she is just curious.  She loves to push limits, she loves to try new things.  I mean this summer she did diving, and on the second day she hucked a backflip off the 3 meter.  I mean......who does that?  Evie, thats who.  

This year she is a gymnast and a diver and can darn near do a standing back tuck.  She still loves her Ipad and we are gonna have to break up with it for school, but she is ready.  

Evie loves people, and friends, and doing fun things.  She always wants to know what's next.  I've always said that Evie's heart is big and open and so special.  9 years with her is only the beginning.

Happy birthday Bee.  Keep doing you, because you are AWESOME!

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