Friday, April 30, 2021

R2R2R: North Rim to Manzanita

We honestly did not spend that much time at the North Rim.  It was just enough time to reset and re-envision how we were gonna get back across the canyon.  As we started back down the mountain all I could think about was how nice it was to use different muscles.  I mean the body is truly incredible.  you can be absolutely exhausted and then go a different direction and the body just finds its power again. Good thing too because we had 25 miles ahead of us, I still felt building blisters on my toes, and the fatigue was beginning to settle in the muscles.  Thankfully the next 13 were downhill.  Hallelujah.

Now on our way down we were able to stop and take a moment at the Cococino Outlook.  You truly can see forever up there.  In fact, you can actually see all the way to San Fransicso!  I admired it on the way up, but just simply couldn't stop the momentum I was holding.

Back down through the Suppai Tunnel.  Simply astounding that somebody or somebodies carved the trail through this rock face.  HOW?

The steep descent was tricky on tired legs.  I am so thankful I learned to run and move with poles.  They really are a godsend!  I was so excited to see that red bridge and was really looking forward to walking down the cliff face again.

Unfortunately, the wind picked up with ferocity.  It was unreal.  I mean walking on tired legs down a cliff face is one thing, walking down a cliff face on tired legs with insane wind gusts is a whole other story.

Bob and I kept yelling at each other to fall to the right!  The wind kept gusting and gusting.  It was a hard stretch.

Distance in the canyon is so unmeasurable.  With so many switchbacks because of the vast elevation change, you can see your rest stop and just feel like you are never, ever, getting closer to it.  Honestly that is how I felt at this point.  We could actually see the Manzanita rest area way down below and every corner we went around we were being met with crazy wind, hot sun, and more steps.  As we pulled into Manzanita, this cyclist below was just starting the 5+ mile trek to the top of the North Rim.  He looked absolutely exhausted and asked,  How many more steps are there?  Oh buddy.

 At Manzanita I was really feeling the blisters.  There was just no denying the reality of them.  So now as I moved forward, the goal was to really work to not exacerbate them or compensate so much that I caused problems elsewhere.  At 30 miles I was starting to feel everything!  

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