Sunday, November 8, 2020

Lily is Double Digits

Okay, stop the Lily Grace has left single digits and is 10!!!!  Now I could go into this whole thing about how did she grow up so fast, but I know how, and she is growing up so beautifully.  I am going to say this right now, this Pandemic has given me back TIME with her.  This year time has slowed a bit and I have cherished it.  9 doesn't feel lost, it feels so exciting to leave.  She IS 10, and her maturity, beauty, empathy, kindness, and joy has bloomed in ways that honestly......make my feel teary.  This lady is beautiful.  So beautiful.

This year has taught both of my girls the art of resilience.  Its also taught them that your circumstances DO NOT define your attitude. The world does not revolve around you and what you want BUT neither does it have to steal your joy.  A little over a week ago we were exposed to a positive COVID case which took us back out of school for 2 weeks and has kept us home, snug in our house.  Not how I was hoping her birthday week would go, but when I told her that we couldn't go to school or see friends her response?

"Oh well Mom, its okay, it just means we get to have more time together!"  RESILIENT! JOYFUL!  

So for Lily's birthday this year we decided to put school off and go hiking in our beautiful desert.  Evie and I bought her big 1--0--- balloons and wrapped some special graphic novels we got her.  One of her big gifts was a huge Hogwarts Castle Lego set with over 6000 pieces her Grandma and Grandpa Longmire sent her.  Lily also wanted Triple Berry pie instead of Cake so I pulled out my pie skills and had a blast.  We did all the things to make this day a special one for her.

It truly is a joy unlike any other to watch as your children move from child to young adult.  I cannot wait for the next years of her life and I would like to pause here and note......those shoes?  My old running shoes.  I always knew Bob's tall genes ran deep with Lily and I am fast becoming the little one in the bunch.  Me and Evie will hang out down here while they get all the high stuff.

Lily is strong and competent and fun.  She still deeply loves swimming, is starting to learn the violin, and is picking tennis back up.  Jewlery is her thing right now and she loves collecting pieces everywhere we go.  She rode her first big roller coaster this year and decided that she still doesn't love them.  The kid knows what she likes and she has her voice.  We are all deep in the Harry Potter books and Lily LOVES them.  Her favorite character is Hermione because "Mom, she's the smartest.....she's the one that actually solves the problems others can't."  Yep Lily, you get it.

2020 has brought a lot of challenges, its also brought a lot of change and a lot of opportunities to really understand what matters and treasure EVERY moment we have with our kids, and our loved ones.  Lily is 10 years old now and everyday with her is truly amazing.

Lily Lu Happy Birthday you are one of the best humans I know.  Love you......Mom


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