Tuesday, December 18, 2018

I Keep Choosing JOY

So I know you all are wondering, "How's the whole being in a cast thing going, Bethany?"

It's going, and I find myself finally at full acceptance about it. Wow has this foot been an interesting life detour.  After I cried myself silly for not being able to get an MRI, the Doc scheduled a CT Scan.  It literally showed nothing of major consequence, and without the MRI the only deduction he could make is that it is soft tissue damage. The way to healing? Complete non-weight bearing for a minimum of 3 weeks.  So 1 week ago I willingly subjected myself to a toe to knee cast. 

The first 3 days  were incredibly difficult. I don't love restraint and the reality that my foot is non moving for 3 weeks was completely overwhelming. This is hard.  All for a toe......A  TOE!  And not even a broken one.  

But......life is not without its humor and I have found myself a bunch of silver linings......  

I ride these through the stores now and my girls think I am "THE COOLEST MOM EVER!"

My dog traded me in for my husband, and Bob is LOVING running again! (Its super sexy)

My girls have become amazing helpers including wheeling me around the house, getting me wine, and giving me back rubs!

I have become the gym heroine.....and most high maintenance member.

I got to have an unbelievably fun and snarky time in IKEA with one of my BEST FRIENDS.  She had me and her little...... it was fun (don't let her face fool you).

I get to have my family with me as personal assistants and private photographers on photo shoots.

And I got a scooter cart to move around a little easier.  I won't lie, this little thing has put a smile on my face so many times!

The brightest star in all of this though is that I have been given the gift of joy this year. True joy, a deep contentment and happiness even though my circumstances are not what I hoped.  My heart is glad, my heart is hopeful, and the future is bright.

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