Saturday, March 31, 2012

YUM.....O YUM!

Lily is absolutely fascinated with what happens in the kitchen and she has a big ENORMOUS sweet tooth. I really shouldn't be surprised because all Terrell, Eckel and now Longmire women have a crazy sweet tooth. It really is a wonder that we are not all two ton Tonys (to borrow Graces euphemism).

Bob called me from work the other day with a hankering for fruit pizza. After Lily and I took a walk to the grocery store I started making the pizza with a very eager little helper. The marshmallow creme and cream cheese frosting was the hit of the afternoon to be sure.

Once I awakened her palate with a marshmallow creme finger lick, she was pointing, grunting, doing "more" and giving all of her signs to me in an effort to keep the fluffy white stuff coming.

I gave in and gave her a spoonful of the sweet goodness. You never would guess that when I handed her the spoon with marshmallow fluff on it she was actually clean. It is simply amazing how quickly these little kiddos can go from clean to dirty and sticky. Seriously, by the time she was done, she had it in her hair and everywhere. Oh well, thats what baths are for.

What a TASTY treat!

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