Friday, March 16, 2012

March Memories

2012 is shaping up to be a very surprising and interesting year to be sure. So much is happening and has happened in the past 3 months. I really have to break down and do a major "life update" blog, but the reality is that I have a whole lot of questions and not a lot of answers, so I am holding out for a bit longer. Stay tuned though, a lot is happening.

Living across the country from family is really challenging sometimes, but it makes you LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the times when they come for a visit. Feddy and Kemo made their annual trek out from the mountains this past weekend and it was such a wonderful time together. Lily just loves her Feddy and let me tell you, there is no love lost the other way.

Feddy is more in love with Lily than anyone. What a blessing and what a wonderful thing to watch. Lily and I picked up Feddy and Kemo at the airport on Thursday Evening. We got there quite a bit early so Lily and I decided to do laps around the terminal. All of that open space provided a large incentive to walk, walk, and walk. She even explored a fellow travelers luggage.

She has truly taken to walking these days and has found herself a big dose of independence. Of course with any new independence comes the following tantrums. She is getting far to ambitious for her britches! Holding Bob and Kemo's hand while walking up and down the road was a blast.

She took them over to see Dewey and enjoyed traipsing around the neighborhood. Later Lily came into the kitchen and dramatically pointed at the cupboard while saying, "Buuuuuubbles, Buuuuuubles," so Kemo whipped out the bubbles and Lily was mesmerized.

We took a big adventure to the Museum of Natural Science while Feddy and Kemo were here. Luck for us parents, the museum was free admittance so we decided that it would be a perfect outing to take our little ones on.

The museum was exciting and Lily was pointing, climbing and walking all over. She discovered butterflies, waterfalls, and all sorts of museumy things.

All weekend long Lily wanted to hold her Kemo's hand. It was so cute because she would pick her walking supporters very carefully. "Now I want Daddy and Kemo, Now I want Mommy and Kemo, Now I want Feddy and Kemo, Now I just want Kemo." It was so cute and we were all only to happy to oblige the little dear.

I think my Mom's favorite day was Sunday not only because she got to be in charge of the baby's church attire and spend the whole morning with her, but because we got to catch up with Uncle Sherman and Uncle Stuart too.

Monday was a super special day for Feddy and Miss Lily. To start, Mom got the itch to make monkey bread. Lily got a first hand experience cooking sugary treats with Feddy. She always lets you sample the goods before the finished product is done. Before any of us knew it, Feddy was teaching Miss Lily how to stick her finger in the frosting bowl and then lick said finger clean. Once Lily connected it, she fast figured "why only put one finger in the bowl when you could stick 5 and an entire hand in the bowl." Smart girl.

So Feddy and Lily spread the frosting over the monkey bread and licked the spoon and the butter in the process. YUM

Later in the afternoon we decided that Lily was ready to ride the Carousel for the first time. I am not sure who was more excited about riding the wildly painted horses, Feddy or Lily. Lily picked a pretty white pony and away she went.

It took her a couple of times around to get into it, but she was happy as a clam. Kemo even paid for Lily and Feddy to go around twice. The second time Feddy rode double and they waved together.

Such a pretty princess! Wonderful parade wave! It was especially special when every time she would go around she would see me and say "Memmmy!"

The hardest part of the afternoon was convincing her that we had to go home and not ride the Carousel around for eternity.
She kept pointing at all of the horses, pulling us that direction and peering through the fence.

Can't wait to take her back!

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