Sunday, May 22, 2022

Mother's Day Mahem

It is never a dull moment over here at the Longmires.  Its good, and a lot. I am so grateful to be a Mother to these two girls, and even more grateful for the mothers that surround me.

Mother's Day week was filled with a lot of wonderful things for me.  Having Dutch Bros with my dear friend Stephanie was a start.  I adore this woman and we just simply don't see each other very much so any time spent is amazing.

The other really exciting thing was going to see The Music Man at the Hale Theatre!  Grandma Jill and Grandpa Steve bought me tickets for my birthday and I was waiting for the Music Man to cash them in.  I am so glad I waited too because Lily is SO into theatre after her experience with Dig it Jack!

We had dinner at Joes BBQ before heading to the stage.

The Hale Theater is one of my favorite places by far and everyone loved the show.  Lily particularly was inspired to one day audition for a Hale show, "Mom, will you audition with me?"  

In true Longmire fashion the week of celebrating motherhood wouldn't be complete without some mayhem caused by an errant 2x4 supporting an epic fort.  I"ll never forget that message.  I was attending a yoga breathwork circle and came out to a text message.... "Well, I'm gonna test that breathwork practice, everything is okay, but I broke something."

The TV.  

So to Costco we went.  I am a lucky lady!

I sang in church on Mother's Day and then Bob and I went to a Diamondbacks game.  We were gifted 2 tickets and had a blast.  We are at the  can-leave-our-children-alone-for-4-hours-stage and let me tell is awesome!

It was especially awesome to run into my dear friend and fellow Mom warrior Melissa by chance at the game.  So grateful for the Mom's doing this big thing called Motherhood with me.

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