Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Lily is a 5th Grader

Today Lily started 5th grade.  She's in 5th!  I still remember the first week she was on this earth feeling like I would never get  her to 5 years old, now she is twice that and starting 5th grade.  Yes, the years fly by.


Lily is entering that season of life that is all about coming into your own.  She wants to grow her hair out, and she doesn't want it fancy.  She prefers a more "casual" look with jean shorts and a t-shirt instead of dresses or frills.  She is simple and undeniably beautiful.  She is deep and soulful when she is not completely put out about Evie.  She loves to experiment and really can't decide if she wants to do synchro, diving, tennis, or all of it.  She is talented and capable and so so worthy.

Sometimes she is too cool for the rest of us and other times she makes me giggle with silly poses.  She is all the things she should be right now.  She has been so very excited for this year to start.  Since we are going back to our home school at Red Mountain Ranch she has been ecstatic to reconnect with friends. Her teacher this year is young and spunky with a bearded lizard for a pet.  Yes Mrs. Monteleone is a winner. Its so good.

Evie is now officially in the annoying little sister place except when Lily deems she's not.  I hope that some separation will remind her how much she loves the Bee.  We are learning a lot during this season. Grace and kindness most of all (we feel like a broken record).

Lily Grace, the past year and a half has been quite the doozy, but you made it and here we are at the start of a new year with nowhere to go but up.  Be bold, be kind, be brave, and above all, show Jesus to everyone you meet (yes even your sister).  Make every day better than the last and be joyful and full of hope.  The world needs you kiddo and we are so very proud of you!

Love Mom and Dad

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