Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Evie Bee is in 3rd Grade.

HALLELUJAH Bee, I am no longer your teacher!!! Trust me kiddo, Mrs. Argos is going to be so much better than me.  You are going to have SO MUCH FUN in 3rd grade this year and girlie, I cannot wait for you to fly into this year and grow!  So much ahead of you.

You are so spunky Bee and between your fancy fingernails, and loosing a tooth the night before the first day, you are the whole 3rd grade package dear. 

The last year was extra hard on this little girl.  Remote learning was not for her and we all had to do a lot of learning and extending grace.  She simply loves people too much and needs her peers.  This year is going to be SO WONDERFUL for her and even though se is a bit nervous, I have no doubt that her sweet self will find its place on the playground in no time.

Evie loves her sister so much these days and Lily only ever so often deems her cool enough to hang.  I keep reminding Lily how precious and special Evie's love is even when she tickles your butt during a photo.  Evie is special, she loves to laugh, she loves to tickle, she loves hugs, and she really loves smoothies.

Evie feels all the things and can change emotions on a dime.  She's fun.

Evie Bee, kiddo, I LOVE YOU.  You are so special, and so full of life, joy, and fire and you are so grown up!  You live and love and feel big time and like I have said before, you do not walk on egg shells.  You are brave and tenacious and outspoken.  You are a challenge little girl, and one that will shake the world.  I am grateful for you.  You are so important to me and your Daddy Bee and we love you deeply.  This is your year Bee.  Enjoy every second.

All my love


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