Sunday, August 8, 2021

July 4th in Show Low!

Its going to take me a while to get all caught up on our Summer blogs.  Its busy out y'all and more than that there has been a lot of life happening in between that has just made each week have a bit of overwhelming in it.  I miss blogging regularly, and although determined to keep this thing going for my girls, find myself in a season of not actually "wanting" to blog and simply "having" to blog.  With everything in life, habits are not always easy to stay consistent in.  There is always something changing the game.  But I am determined.  Our story will continue to be written.

While Evie was in North Carolina doing her thing, the three of us Longmires headed up to the mountains for a 4th of July in the blissful cool.  It rained EVERY day and it was overcast much of our days.  The whole time was MAGICAL and such a refresh during our hot summer.

One of the most favorite experiences was getting to watch the SHOWLOW PARADE!  In 65 years or so last year was the only year that it hasn't run, thanks COVID.  So this year it was BIG and such a delightfully fun time.

The parade lasted well over and hour and had all kinds of floats, carriages, treats, and my favorite part the dancing motorcycles.  That is most definitely not what they called themselves, but it perfectly describes them.  Imagine 8 motorcycles all riding in unison, then breaking up into different patterns, then threading the needle together, then turning on a dime, all while moving down the road and not hitting anyone.  I was mesmerized.

We really lucked out in the sugar department.  Not only did we make a huge hall with candy, but the sweet shop truck came by and just as it passed us a girl hopped out of the back with fresh frosted sugar cookies!  Lily was in absolute heaven.

Bob was golfing with his buddies during the parade so we all had a blast celebrating independence day!

Later that afternoon we went to the lake to paddleboard.  Lily, Bob, and I played chicken, lost an oar and sunglasses to the lake, and had a blast pushing each other into the water.

Papa kept watch from the beach and we were fast removed from our fun by yet another rain storm.

Lily and I spent a lot of hours playing with yoga out in the cool mountain air.  I love this girl and her willingness to really try anything.

On Sunday we all went to church and Lily was so excited to finally get to put her handprint on the church's wall.  Anyone who memorizes a scripture can put their hand up and she simply couldn't wait to do it.  

This weekend was probably one of my absolute favorites of the summer for sure.  Besides the respite, it was really fun to share some time with just Lily.

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