Saturday, June 20, 2020

Evie Bee Turns 7!

Oh Bee, how are you 7?  Time truly does go so fast, except when it doesn't.  Girl, you are all sugar and all spice and I deeply, deeply love ALL of you.

Watching you and your sister grow up and become young women is so beautiful, and so special.  I have great and deep pride in the two of you.  You Bee are incredible.

This season of quarantine has been wonderful and so challenging.  You have pushed Daddy and in more than a few ways.  You are bold, and confident, and beyond determined.  You do not sway, you go all in, you are not afraid to have an opinion.  Girl, I love you for it, even when it creates struggle.  Keep your boldness, keep your drive, but baby, keep listening to Jesus.  Don't die on every hill and girl, you don't always have to push all the buttons.

Tickles, and snuggles, and playtime, that is what makes your smile shine.  If Daddy would just tickle you all day you would be happy.  You just love that guy (I get it, I love him too).

You baby girl are growing up so much.  This year you asked to be baptized.  And while quarantine changed lots of plans, your heart for Jesus and others grows daily.  You get love, and you give it. 

I am so grateful that we could take you, your sister, and Erienne to Great Wolf Lodge for your birthday. What a fun time for you to celebrate

You played Magiquest, and bowled....

You ate all the candy and I think 2 cups of ice cream....

Your Daddy and I sat outside  for a good couple of hours one day and let the three of you have your independence.  I put this here because you are so grown up we no longer worry about seeing you all the time.  Its wonderful, and weird, we simply don't have babies anymore. Our trust in you is growing.

You did both levels of the ropes yourself.


And climbed to the top of the climbing wall.....twice.

You rode the drop slide and did every possible thing you could.  

On this trip you hit that 48 inch mark.  Nothing stops you now......see I told you.

Evie Bee I am so amazed by you and hope each day to live up to the bar of boldness you set.  You are outgoing and kind, but big, and outspoken, and unafraid.  I always tell your sister, go, do, and be bold.  The same is true for you.  Let Jesus lead you, don't let life knock you down, and girl, shine that big beautiful light with all you got.

All my love


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