Friday, May 24, 2019

Goodbye Kindergarten

She did it!  Evie Bee made it through Kindergarten with flying colors and is now boldly moving forward into 1st grade!  This kid........I am overwhelmed by her.  She is amazing in so many ways. I am so blessed and lucky and humbled to be her Mommy.  She is one cool chick.

I love this picture.  The night before her final day of Kindergarten she decided that her two front teeth were loose enough to be extracted and by golly, this little strong and fearless girl pulled out both of her teeth.  Its perfect.  Its perfectly her.  Evie is not afraid, she is ready and excited and motivated towards the next thing.  Hard doesn't scare her.  She can do hard things.  She's got my IRON will, no doubt.

Evie had such an empowering and life changing year.  Mrs. Ro is simply one of the best teachers and we are so unbelievably grateful that both of our girls have been a part of her class.  Gretchen will forever have a mark on my babes and especially Evie.  Mrs. Ro is one of those people who have earned their place in Evie's heart, and Evie loves her.  Evie has cried more tears than ever because she doesn't want to leave Mrs. Ro. Evie recognizes the good ones.  What a special bond these two have.

We are moving on here in the Longmire house and Bob and I are having an absolute blast growing up with our girls.  I am ready, so ready, to leave the baby, toddler, preschool years behind.  I'm not in a rush, and the time is FLYING, but I love it!  Raising kids that are turning into amazing humans is one of the biggest highlights of life!


Evie Bee is finishing her Kindergarten year joyfully, excitedly, and with confidence.  She's ready and I am eternally grateful for the people that believe in her here at Red Mountain Ranch Elementary.

Baby girl, you ROCKED it this year.  You have grown and matured and become a simply amazing little girl.  You are so smart and so able.  The world is open for you Evie.  Keep your heart open to what it has to offer.  You are the strongest, boldest, bravest little girl I know.  You have learned how to help others this year and how to love those around you.  I am so proud of you.

Your mountain is waiting little one, BE ON YOUR WAY!

I love you

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