Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Beauty of Blooming

My Lily Lu, such a beautiful young lady.  She is growing up and so very fast these days.  Sometimes I have to sit back and just soak up the fact that she will be a 3rd grader.....and soon.  They were all right, the time does fly.  

BUT, like watching a flower bloom I have so much excitement and anticipation, this young woman is AMAZING.  Completely amazing and I absolutely am loving this growing up thing.  

The other day the girls had a fashion show and Lily walked out in my heels. They fit her.  Its official that her feet are my same size and now I find many pairs of shoes have gone missing.  Mom's stuff is the best, and now I have another closet in which to search.  Lordy.

Oh but I wouldn't change a single thing.

The more I walk through life with this little girl, the more depth I find to her.  Lily feels all the feels.  Like me, Lily is intuitive and has an emotional depth that rivals most.  While she can be so impacted by darkness around her, together we are working to understand her emotional bandwidth as a true gift, and not a curse.  She is aware of others, she feels pain, she feels loss, and she feels loneliness. Her friendships run deep because she dives deep into them.  She loves people to a fault even when they don't show her love in return.  She is learning the hard line between vulnerability and guarding her heart.  Lily has the Lords compassionate heart.  She wants justice, but she also wants you to be okay. If you aren't, well, she wants to help make it right.  Again......all the feels.

Lily is FUN.  Straight up fun to be around.  Her ideas have ideas, and her creativity really knows no bounds. She loves braids, jewlery, and her new interest is sewing and designing.  She will stomp through the mud and muck, hike to the top of a mountain, put on a ballet for you, or design Barbie clothes.

One truly incredible thing about this young woman is her willingness to walk into pain.  I know it sounds like a strange thing to be good at, but Lily doesn't shy away from tears.  She isn't afraid when someone is hurt.  No, quite contrary, Lily is usually the one to rush in, get help, offer comfort, or wipe away blood.  Suffering breaks her heart, but it doesn't scare her.  

Throughout this painful foot injury I have had my fair share of the ugly crying days.  Those days where I simply couldn't hold it together and melted down into a pile of frustrated tears.  I will never forget the day when, amidst a complete emotional storm, Lily came up to my shaking form, wrapped her arms around me and said, "Mommy, just reach out and touch Jesus's cloak.  He heals.........you just have to trust."  

Out of the mouth of my 8 year old came wisdom, understanding, and faith.  That is Lily.

As our first baby, Lily has a lot of expectations both self imposed and parent imposed.  The kid is so strong and yet we are learning that she has a deep vulnerability too.  Its beautiful and I am overwhelmed at the beautiful flower the Lord is blooming.

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