Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Jesus, They're Yours

This past Mother's Day was a special one.  Not because it was my first one with Evie, or because it snowed A LOT here in Denver  but because Bob and I had the wonderful opportunity to dedicate our girls in our church service.

We have wanted to dedicate Lily since she was born and between moving and changing churches haven't made it a priority.  Now I am grateful it didn't work out because yesterday was a special day.  Both of our girls were given to Jesus in front our our Denver Community Church family.  Memaw, Papa, Aunt Jayne and Uncle Tom were all able to be there, and our dear friend Tara Malouf prayed for us.  It was a Divine appointment.

Dedication is so important to me and I wanted to share why.  From the moment I discovered I was pregnant with Lily and Evie I had that mix of excitement and fear.  Its a BIG job.  There is so much responsibility and knowing that you are almost singlehandedly responsible for how your little one turns out is BIG.  This world is big with harsh realities and difficult circumstances.  Our children have their own way to make in the world and will inevitably make their own decisions whether or not we are with them or apart from them.  It's Jesus who will always be the Spirit inside them.  He will be the guard, the conscience, the helper when we are far.

In dedicating them to Jesus we are publicly recognizing that we cannot control them.  We recognize that we will not always be around and therefore put them in the care of Someone who will be.  We recognize that we have been given the task of leading them close to Jesus but must allow them to entrust themselves to the Good Shepherd.  We recognize that we are servants and meant to be opened up, broken and poured out for the sake of these precious babes entrusted to us.

So Sunday, Mothers Day, was the day.... and it was beautiful.

Jesus, they're YOURS!  Bob and I give them willingly and without claim.  We thank you for blessing us with Evie and Lily.  We pray that they would love you, seek you, listen to you and be Your hands and feet in this world.  Guard them Father.  Help them to see the good, the right, the pure and the lovely.  Give them an abundance of Spirit Fruit.  Help us as Mom and Dad to shelter them, teach them, love them, guide them and care for the soil of their hearts so that when your Spirit plants, the seed will grow into a beautiful relationship with You.

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