Sunday, May 11, 2014

11 Months

How is it possible that in 1 more month little Evie Frances will be 1!  Even amidst the long nights and drama of the first year the time has simply gone by faster than I can even comprehend.  Look at my little baby!

Miss Evie, as Memaw would say, is "Movin' On!"  She is so mobile and so into EVERYTHING, and I mean everything.  Her world has opened up and she wants to know what is behind every door, under every chair, in every cupboard, in every light socket and in all of the trash cans.  Toilet paper is AWESOME and so much fun to tear, eat and unroll.  Oh the world is just so FUN!

 Even though she only started crawling a month ago she has taken to it and is trying everything she can including the stairs.  I don't know why, but new mobile babies just love the stairs.  Just this morning she managed to crawl up the entire flight of stairs by herself (with me cautiously behind of course).  She reached the top with this enormous sense of pride and accomplishment on her face.  Oh the joy of watching little ones discover their strength!

Evie and Bob have really started to make that Father Daughter connection lately and she simply lights up when she sees him.  Just the other day Bob commented that Evie was finally getting to that stage where you actually CAN shake the baby.  He now has started to toss her on the couch and flip her around.  She giggles and simply loves it.  Don't know what it is, but our little girls just love all of the rough housing.  Lily put Evie on the couch the other day and was dragging her from side to side by her leg.  HMMM, wonder where she learned to play like that.......Yup....Daddy.  It really is too cute to watch.

My precious little baby has started the process of weaning and is now starting to sleep more soundly through the night.  I still see her at least once, but the transition is coming.  With mixed emotions I am ready.

Evie is a talker these days and loves to make all sorts of sounds with her voice.  Her latest little trick is to click her tongue against the roof of her mouth.  Quite a talented little lady if you ask me!

It has been so much fun to watch this new sibling relationship blossom and grow.  Sure, it has a LOT of growing pains, but Lily is fast discovering that as Evie gets older she becomes so much more fun.  Just the other day Lily spent a good 10 minutes pulling Evie in the wagon.  Evie was only too happy to be outside and charioted around.

My little Evie is still as social as ever and simply loves to be held by anyone and everyone who looks her direction.  I don't know if we will have any separation anxiety, but as of right now we haven't even come close.  It is really nice because it allows me time to let other people lend a hand.

One of her absolutely favorite things to do these days is to help with the dishes.  The dishwasher door is like a beacon, beckoning Evie over to play.  If I don't watch close enough, she crawls right up on the door and targets anything with a pointy end.  She could play with the bowls and spoons, but no, forks and knives are where its at.  I love this stage because little ones are so trusting.  They do everything without thought that they could get hurt.  Its both amazing and terrifying too.

Just like Lily, Evie loves her Memaw and Memaw's house is simply too fun for words.   I am so blessed that my girls have such wonderful Grandmas.

Little Bee, another month has come and gone and you are fast leaving your baby months.  I am so excited to watch you grow.  Your joy is so special little one.  Always remember the wonder of the world.  Keep reaching, discovering, trying, falling and finding.  I love you so much Evie.  You make me smile, all the time, every day.  I love you.

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