Sunday, May 25, 2014

Come Quickly Lord

Well, the Longmires are facing another big life change.  Bob and Ibotta parted ways last Friday and we are now at a crossroads wondering what the next step is for us as a family.  This morning I can only describe the feelings I feel as confused.  I am excited one minute because the last 3 months were really hard on us, and terrified the next.  Where do we go from here? Its almost comical to me how much change the past 10 years of our marriage have brought us especially considering I REALLY struggle with change.  I worry, I stress, I hate uncertainty.  And yet, our marriage has been defined by changes and moves and here we are.....again.  Some days I feel that there is a lesson to learn and we are just not learning it. Oh how I wish life were easier.

I have this deep spirit inside of me that knows without doubt that the Lord is going to bring something better into our life, and yet there is a very realistic sinner side of me that wants to crawl up in an untrusting ball and cry, oh and maybe hit something too.  I am just so tired of this for our little family.

On the bright side of all of this, is the fact that Bob gets to be home for a while.  WHAT A BLESSING.  Our little girls are growing up so fast and the past 3 months have been such long hours and all consuming work that their little lives have gone by in a blur for Bob.  It is a much needed break and hopefully a recharge for our family.

I am simply overwhelmed right now.  The world seems so big and frankly I feel infinitesimally small.  In times like these that are simply defined by confusion and unclarity I am ever so thankful for a God who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sending lots of love and prayer Bethany. Sounds like God is up to something big :)
