Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Day Away

So Friday marked the 20 month milestone for Lily Grace and it was quite a day for me too.  It marked my very first baby free day.  Of course we have had date nights and times where someone has watched her, but this was the first time I gave her to Grandma who took her an hour and a half away from me from 10AM to 6PM.

I have always prided myself on being very willing to leave Lily, but when you are talking about so many hours and such a distance away, it was so nerve wracking!  I am SO very glad that I did it though.  Lately sweet Lily has been very needy and very Mommy centric.  It was simply wonderful to be able to get some errands done with only myself to contend with.

I did miss the little dear and simply could not wait to get my hands on her that night.  Its hard to watch her grow up so fast and realize that in a few short years she will be spending several hours a day away from me.  Thankfully right now it will just be one to two days a week as I start working with my Aunt Jayne at her chiropractic office!  And thank goodness for having Grandma and Grandpa semi close.  I just couldn't imagine having to leave her with someone I didn't know.  She is growing up and it was a great way to cross into month 20!  She is quickly headed towards 2.

1 comment:

  1. So thankful Kemo and Feddy are close by! She will be completely spoiled! Glad you got some alone time to yourself to get things done and regroup. I know it must have been refreshing. I can't wait to hear more about the new job! Very exciting! Much love to the Longmire fam!
