Friday, November 25, 2022

Welcome to the 40s!

40 years ago I came into this world on a beautiful Thanksgiving morning.  My Momma always likes to remind me that she had a plastic turkey in jello thanks to me.  It always makes me smile.  40 has always seemed like such a big year to me.  I think its because 40 is when you are truly out of your youth.  30s was fun, but so many ways you have arrived into this Adult hood.

I honestly have never felt threatened or worried about getting older.  I think growing old is a gift and one that we spend a lot of time and money trying not to open.  I say tear that wrapping off and start embracing it. I have been looking forward to my 40s for  a little while now.  I loved my 30s.  I did SO MUCH, and I'm ready to finish that chapter and move onto the next. 

I did a lot in my 30s and when I reflect back on some of the highlights I can’t help but smile.

Had a baby


Ran the R2R2R

Ran the Dopey Challenge

Recovered from a Crossfit injury

Remodeled a house

Saw the Bahamas

Saw Scotland

Saw Niagra Falls

Bought a mini van

Became a Yogi

Started a successful Photography business

Got my nose pierced

Got a Tattoo

Shaved my head

Got Mono

Went to New York

Went Parasailing

Went to Los Cabos

Learned to Handstand

Met Ashley, and lost Ashley

Became a Godmother

Read Harry Potter and saw Harry Potter World

Dealt with a Pandemic

Didn’t get COVID

Met Winter and Hope

Saw Horseshoe Bend

Hiked The Narrows in Zion

Saw Carlsbad Caverns

Found my way back to Crossfit

Did my first Crossfit Competition

 And honestly, this is just some of the highlights for me.  So much happened in that 10 years.  It was good and like the song says, “I swear I lived”-and I plan to keep on doing it tackling more goals, having more adventures, making more memories, and continuing to age with grace, strength, peacefulness and like a fine wine. I am finally deeply at home in my own body, life, and space. Man, that took a lot of years and tears, but we got here.  I am now so excited to shift into growth mode and settle into that wonderful place called mid-life. That dash between the beginning and the eternal. 

 One highlight I didn’t mention……

Had my first ever surprise party.

 Yep, Bob threw me a spectacular party for my 40th birthday and kept the entire thing a secret.  The weekend started with him flying in our best friends Steve and Rebekah.  

He managed to keep the entire thing a secret and even got me to the airport before I realized what was happening,  Such a sweet surprise.  That was just the start however.  Bob sent Rebekah and I on a shopping spree and then secreted me over to a surprise party with several of my dearest friends at Bridgit’s house.  All of these people here are my village and I was completely surprised when I opened the door to this crew. 

We enjoyed a beautiful evening with dinner, wine, fabulous conversation and to top it off, Bob hired a dance instructor to come in and give us dance lessons!  Learning to dance is something I have wanted for a long time.  Knowing that he planned it all for me.  Yes, he knows how to make a girl feel special.

I brought in 40 with some of the best humans around and am so grateful to know every single one of them.

I am excited and hopeful to see what incredible experiences my 40s has for me. I am going to start this spring by becoming a yoga instructor.  Shifting more into Crossfit, strength, openness, and awareness is going to take my world in a different trajectory and honestly, I’m here for it.

Excited to continue to grow old with my Bob, raise bold, big, compassionate kids, see the world, and be a part of Kingdom Come.

Age is a gift, and I am joyfully ripping off that wrapping!

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