Monday, November 25, 2019

We're all Growing Up!

Time seems to always march on and this year I am equally hit with how quickly my children, my husband and I, and all our parents are growing up.  It happens to us all.  Time is truly a gift, and a relentless thief.  

I have been listening to sermons from the church we used to attend out in North Carolina.  At the beginning of every sermon they have a minute and a half opener affirming all humans.  They finish with the statement, "we affirm all humans because we are more and more aware that life is precious."  Life and time and the chance to grow old is a gift and one worth sheltering, treasuring, and celebrating.

I am really grateful this year that my parents followed us out to AZ.  Even though we aren't just down the street from one another, we get to see them, and share special holidays and times with them.  My girls get to fall in love with horses, and enjoy a small taste of my childhood.  It is a special thing and one that is already making a lasting impression on them.

Life is precious, and all life is so beautiful.  Even though we have different lives and communities, and lifestyle, we are all a family and this picture above shows it.  We got some country, and we got some City, but we have a family most of all and that is a truly beautiful thing.  Time can't ever take that away and I treasure it.

As thanksgiving approaches I am just ever so grateful for the chance to get older with my parents.  I am even more grateful for the chance for my girls to get older with my parents. 

Especially because they like to do crazy things like sit 3 on a horse!  

Memaw and Papa, we love you.  We are grateful for you this year, and we are blessed to grow old with you. Lets keep making memories!

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