Thursday, March 21, 2019

Sunrise Skiing

Y'all know that I just love me some pictures.  The saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words," is a mantra I have written in my life.  Words are beautiful, but an illustrated life is so rich with story.  

We had a fantastic Spring Break out here.  I have been looking forward to our break and visit to the mountains because after missing out over Christmas, I was planning to ski!  And ski we did!

After school on Friday we headed up to the White Mountains.  On Saturday our main push was to get our gear and make sure I rested my foot.  We headed over to the best rental shop around Krissies Snow and Ski Rentals to get our gear and walked out feeling like family.  Gosh I love that place.  I think  it is really special because Krissie and my Mom know each other from yesteryear.  Such a great thing to be able to make all of these awesome connections.

I was nervous about trying on boots, but after only a wee bit of pain I was in and felt like I could ski.  YES, this was gonna work!  Lily was thrilled to get poles this time while Evie was feeling a little left out.  Key to poles is, "You have to be able to control your speed!"  A skill we were sure Evie would master on the first day.

Is this kid seriously not the cutest ever?  Lordy.

Such good memories I have of getting all packed up in snow gear and having to clutz my way to the slope with skis in my arms.  Watching my girls do it......SO GREAT!

The day was absolutely spectacular.  It only took a couple big runs for Lily and Evie to completely take off.  Once they learned the pie shape with their skis and how to effectively put on the brakes there was just no stopping either one of them.  Even Papa made it on a couple of runs.  We all took the REALLY big chair lift to the very top and all made it to the bottom in one piece and only a couple of tears. 

While the girls took one of their many lodge breaks (where everything but the bare necessities was strewn about), Bob and I headed out to ski some slopes together sans kids.  It was so enjoyable and I was ever so grateful that my foot allowed for it.  I wasn't able to be aggressive or do anything crazy, but lets face it.....I'm rather risk averse right now anyways.  The scenery alone was worth the lift and the snuggles in the air were the best.

After a wildly successful first day of skiing, we closed down the place and headed home.  It was early to bed for everyone!

The following day we heard on the news that a big snow storm was upon us so we headed out for a hike before the trails were whitewashed.  I was so excited.  Again, not pain free, but able to walk carefully for an hour.  I am so hopeful that I will one day be pain free.

Bob had to leave us that afternoon to head back down for a work trip, but the three of us girls got to bed early and geared up for another day on the slopes.

We woke up to a BLIZZARD and it didn't let up all day long.  It was such a great experience for us.  The girls were very confident in their skis and poles (yes, we stopped by the shop to get the little Bee some poles), but they were not confident in how to manage the blinding snow!  We had to pow wow at the top, stop in the lodge, dry everything out, and convince the girls that NOTHING should be taken off once it is on! And all of that before our first run!

The ski resort was nearly empty and it was a BLAST having the mountain practically to ourselves.  The 4 of us girls went up and down and had the best day getting soaking wet, making fresh tracks in the powder, and practicing our turns.

Our day consisted of do a run, stop in the lodge, take all our clothes off, eat, put all clothes back on, try to find gear on racks, help all parties into their boots, bang off more snow, adjust goggles, tuck in gloves, get adults in skis, get on the lift, keep children from falling off the lift (Evie), do a run........then do the whole thing over again.  Memaw and I were toast by 2:30 so we called it a day, packed up our stuff and headed back home in the snow.  

The day after our second skiing adventure was supposed to be our going home day, but the snow settled in and just dumped.  The girls made the best of it and were out playing as soon as they could.

They made a snowman.....and then Skittles ate his nose.  Then Memaw got the shovels out and put them to work.

That was hard work and everyone needed a nap!

The heavy snow let up around 2 and we headed out to find ourselves a sledding hill!

The powder was so wet and thick that we had to try extra hard to get a run going, but we did and then it all melted down into a giant snowball fight.

The girls started hiding their heads in the snow.  I couldn't help had to happen.

Silly girls. Lily even found her zen.

Meanwhile Memaw turned one of her unshot snowballs into the base for a snowman.

We finished him and giggled the whole time.  Such a sweet time.

That night everyone was tired.  Ellie ran and ran and ran.  She LOVES it up in the mountains where she stays outside all day, gets peanut butter bones, and gets to run all over the kingdom.  She is such a good puppy and I love how easily she fits right into our family.  As you can see, she thinks she won the lottery.

Evie Bee crashed hard too.  I love this little kid and the moments where she falls asleep in my arms are ones I treasure and wish would last a little bit longer.  She is special.

The morning after the big blizzard was glorious.  We met Bob half way down the mountain and journeyed home, but the beauty of that snow and our time in the mountains made for an epic start to a wonderful Spring Break!

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