Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Shen Yun

Since moving to Arizona, every year we get the advertisement for this show and every year I have desperately wanted to go.  Well, this year, Bob bought us 2 tickets and we had a wonderful evening at Shen Yun!

We took the girls to see the Nutcracker this year and I will admit, Ballet is hard to watch if you don't understand the athleticism and storyline.  She Yun was so different, so exquisite, so beautiful, and so much fun.  

The program is all individual numbers that have their own sets, their own costumes, and their own dance numbers.  Chinese cultural dance is full of ballet, acrobatics, and lovely story telling.  The backdrops are all digital and the dancing and graphics meld together and are so entertaining. 

Every number is introduced by 2 narrators, one English speaking, and one Chinese speaking.  In each intro is a history and explanation of the next dance.  

The curtains then open and the stage bursts forth with color, vibrant, bold, and beautiful colors. They dance with fans, with porcelain pots, with faux weapons and they are near perfection.

I think my favorite number was this one below with the long sleeves.  These women are exquisitely timed and rehearsed.  They move those long sleeves with grace and elegance.  They bunch them up and shoot them out of their hands while spinning, dancing, moving, and balancing in perfect splits.  It was mesmerizing.

Bob and I enjoyed it so much that we cannot wait to take the girls next year.  It was a visual masterpiece and an experience I will not soon forget!

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