Thursday, April 26, 2018


Lily and Evie,

Today is a big day, one that is going to wildly impact you, your education, and the future of your friends, and we are excited!  For the past couple of weeks we as a family have donned our red attire and have shown up to support our teachers, and our school as they have begun to protest the funding discrepancies and other education needs in our State.  It is needed and important and so worth fighting for.

I am not writing this letter today however, to talk about the politics of the movement, or to give my explanation of exactly what is happening.  I am writing this to you today because I have empowered the 2 of you to be world changers.  I have challenged the 2 of you to stand tall and be bold.  I have raised you girls to know your truth, to speak your truth, and to go and live boldly. I have raised you fearless.

And you are being surrounded by men and women who are a living embodiment of that.  You are walking in the presence of superheroes.  You dear girls are holding the hands of real life Wonder Women!

Injustice exists everywhere. How can we change the world when the world needs SO MUCH CHANGING.

By walking out, by speaking up, by shining your light, and by boldly pushing "what's been" towards "what could be!"  Your teachers, Mrs. Balanoff, Mrs. Rodeffer, Mrs. Ana, and all of their co workers are peacefully, aggressively, and boldly making a stance today.  They are uniting and empowering one another to MAKE A DIFFERENCE and you 2 are bearing witness and participating! 

Lily, we have talked openly and honestly to you about all of this and you dear one, have spoken boldly with your classmates.  This week I received a text from your Teacher....."Lily spoke beautifully and very eloquently to her peers and I about the governor. I was very impressed. Wow!  You have one amazing kid!"

You both are, and today, as the teachers stand up, stand firm, and challenge what's been, I want to remind you of the power you have.  You were meant to change the world girls.

When you see injustice RISE UP, be FEARLESS, and know that the God who lives in you has purposed you for greatness!

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