Thursday, April 30, 2015

Finding My Way

Well we have officially been Arizona residents for 1 month.  We are now in that process of "digging in" and finding our place out here in the desert.  I think this week has really been a boost for me on many fronts.  The biggest of which has been finding a MOPS group to be a part of.  I cannot say enough about MOPS.  It is a life saver, life giver and life empowerer (yeah, that's not a word).  You get the picture, it is like the life blood for a SAHM. You never know what you are missing until you go to a playdate with a bunch of kids running around (just like your kids) and wrestling with obedience (whew my kids aren't the only naughty ones) and their mothers attempting conversation while changing a diaper with one hand, nursing with the other and having a debate with their 3 year old in between asking you about your day.  Its Glorious. Yes........these are my people!  Real women in real motherhood really doing it together.  Such a needed place for me right now.

Having IRONMAN to focus on has also been such a life breather for me lately.  I have gotten involved with the Arizona TRI Club and have met so many awesome people. Triathloning may be an individual race, but it is most definitely a team sport!  Last weekend I did and open water swim and a 4 mile run with a lady I had just met! Last Monday I did a bicycle ride with another wanna be triathlete that I met at the open water swim.  The community is huge and I LOVE that I am a part of it.  I will do another Journey to IRONMAN post soon, but I am ready for my 70.3.  IRONMAN....I'm coming for you!

My photography business has been on a bit of a hiatus as I begin again the process of being known.  I trust that the Lord will bless it and am using this time to focus on building my Jamberry team and spending the time I am not training with my girls.  I inevitably will get myself busy again and so I am trying to embrace this time of semi quiet and accept it as a Divine blessing.  The bills will get paid, the finances will even out and I will find my busy, but for now I will love on my girls.

 And good thing too because this little thing?  She is TROUBLE.  Capital T kind of trouble.  That great quote about being little and fierce?  Sums up Evie Frances quite well.  Good Lord if she makes it to adulthood and I'm not crazy it will be a WIN!

Evie was so proud of her picture......on my wall.
Its a new day, a new week and about to be a new month.  Maybe just maybe its time for a new me.  A me that's more joyful and less melancholly, a me that's more hopeful and less cynical, a me that embraces the excitement of the future rather than wishes on the past.  I'm finding my way and maybe, just maybe this month of May is for me.

My Lily Lu photographed this one!  She has potential!

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