Saturday, April 25, 2015

Waiting on the Lord

Have you ever found yourself in a place of expectation?  A place of waiting and hoping and wanting to believe in something great?  This expectant place can be one of really pure joy or it can be laced with a thread of doubt.  I have found myself in both places and I find myself there again.

I think at one point or another we all have joked about wishing we could look into our future to see what lies in store.  We don't really want to do that, cause lets face it, some futures are far better off not knowing, but the waiting and wondering and being expectant thing is sometimes a rather big burden to carry through life.

The weight of life right now is really stretching us and challenging us.  Especially me.  I miss Colorado, I miss Memaw and Papa, I miss my running buddy and my MOPS group.  I miss my photography clients and the booming business that I was just beginning to step into.  I miss knowing where the mall playground is (and not having to traipse all over the place to find it).  I miss my playdates and my friends, the people that know me by name and call me or text me to get together.  I am very grateful for the few friends I still have here in AZ and for the new friends I am slowly making, but everything is new.....again. Even the grocery store is overwhelming right now.  It is laid out all different.  I have missed so many things on my list because I don't know where it is and my child or children are "all done" with the grocery store.  Frankly after 10 minutes searching for lemon juice I am all done too.

Its hard to uproot and reroot......again.  It's a process and its hard. I don't care who you are, change is difficult.  There are so many metaphors and fabulous ways to look at change, but no matter how you look at it, change causes growth and growing pains can be really painful.

I admit it.....I am waiting for the Lord to show up.  To add to all of our moving is the reality of financial burdens we really were not planning for.  Remember that hospital visit?  Our insurance company is refusing payment.  Or how about taxes?  This year we owed.  How about having to pay 3 school registration fees between Lily's old school, new school and enrollment for next year?  And new permanent health insurance?  Ouch.  I dread going to our mailbox lately.  Bob and I concur....being an adult stinks.  It's so expensive.

I have found myself daily saying, "Lord, please show up.  I don't know how exactly, but this is one of those times where I need to see you and know with confidence that we are not alone."

And He Does.....

In this time of transition with my photography business I have been really working my Jamberry Business.  I am in the beginning Fast Start period and can make bonuses if I hit certain monthly milestones.  I have been praying for help to make it happen this month and yesterday morning, I hit it!  God showed up and I am so grateful.

My heart will continue to wait on the Lord hoping and praying for abundant life in Arizona.

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