Monday, April 28, 2014

Giving Away 1 Baby Sister

Do you wish you had a sister?  Do you wonder what it would be like to have a little person following you around?  Do you like to share all of your toys all of the time?  Well I have just the thing or you!  You can have my little sister.  I would like to give her away.  At first I thought a little sister would be awesome, but lately I have discovered the undisclosed truth about having a sister and I have decided I don't want her anymore.

A few things you should know.  She screams....and often.  She really loves to scream at you.  She wants to have everything you have and take all of your toys and put them in her mouth.  She gets in your way when you watch TV and wants to lick your favorite toys all of the time.  She follows you around EVERYWHERE and finds you even if you try to hide.  She pulls on your clothes, pulls your hair, scratches you when she tries to balance on you and is even starting to bite.  Did I mention that she pinches?  Don't expect to have Mom's undivided attention anymore because this little sister is always interrupting.  You don't have freedom in your house cause there will be gates and blockades up everywhere you go. You will feel like a prisoner sometimes.  Its great....

If you would like specs and other details of this sister please send inquiries to Lily Longmire (Mom and Dad aren't really on board with the whole giving away thing).

1 comment:

  1. LOL I'll take here! Michael would be so thrilled. Maggi on the other hand.......
