Monday, November 4, 2013

A Golden Hue

For the entire month of October, our world out here in the city has been covered in a golden hue.  The leaves are simply beautiful this time of year, but the color most prevalent is gold.  Its EVERYWHERE.  We have a huge tree in front of our house that seemed to sluff its leaves off all in about 3 days.  It was unbelievable how dense the leaf coverage of our yard was.  It took us a week to get a handle on all of the leaves and the girls LOVED playing in them.

Miss Lily was all about running and jumping in the piles.  Every time we would have a spare second she would run to me and say, "Mommy, lets rake the leaves!"  She was simply so precious to watch and it was such a treasure for me to see how delighted the leaves made her.

Lily wanted a Minnie Mouse birthday party this year so for Halloween she of course wanted a Minnie Mouse costume. She sure made a precious little Minnie.  We met up with my girlfriend Carolyn and her family for a night of trick or treating.  The first couple of houses made Lily nervous and she wouldn't go close without Daddy, but by the 3rd house she had it figured out.  She raced from house to house gathering her goodies as she went.  The best part is that she is completely indifferent to the candy, it was the experience that was so much fun!

The golden hue is still ever present on our street, but last Friday was the final hoorah of leaf raking for us.   Lily and her Daddy raked the last bit and stuffed them all in the garbage can.  Our tree is bare now and ready for the winter months. Fall truly is my favorite time of the year especially now that I have two rosy cheeked blue eyed little girls to take delight in the golden leaves.

1 comment:

  1. linda+ the 4-footed gangNovember 17, 2013 at 1:53 PM

    We used to jump in piles of leaves too....
