Monday, August 12, 2013

2 Months of Evie

Well, here we are already at that 2 month mark!  AMAZING!

Evie is growing like crazy these days and fast leaving behind that newborn look.  She is so alert  and her little eyes get so big when she is awake and taking in the world around her.

Our original thought that she was going to be a super laid back sleeper has been completely dismissed.  She is rather fussy and aside from the night time, she doesn't sleep really well during the day.  Of course a lot of that is still related to the fact that she is only 2 months.  I suppose I can't expect too much.  Much like Lily, she is an extremely light sleeper and when I do get her asleep, I don't want to move or make a peep.  I ultimately hate living that way, but I guess that is just how my kiddos are gonna be.

She and Lily are doing so well together!  I love watching and listening to them.  Lily is only too quick to help me when Evie is crying and Evie will hold Lily's hand in the car.  I especially love when Evie is crying and Lily says ever so sweetly, "It's okay Baby Evie."  Too precious.

Evie's favorite place right now is anywhere that she can look out and see the world.  She loves to be up on her Daddy's shoulder.

There is so much to see up there, and often times she just loves to lay on the floor or couch.  Tummy time is getting better, but it is still not her most favorite activity.  Since her little neck muscles are still trying to get strong enough to hold her little head up she spends some or most of her tummy time doing a face plant into the floor.  Not so exciting for a baby that likes to see her world.

When Evie isn't sitting content, cooing and talking or attempting a smile, she has a temper and man can she scream.  WOW.  When she is hungry it goes from 0 to ANGRY in a split second.  There is no middle ground with the little one.  I can quickly see a very strong personality and a temper to rival most.  I know what you all are thinking, "Good luck Mom and Dad."  Well, we are up to the challenge.  Bob and I are confident that if our girls have strong wills, they are going to rule the world.

 Evie is simply beautiful.  Her dark hair and blue eyes make for a gorgeous little face.  I am so humbled every time that I look at her to know that the Lord gave her to us.  She grew inside of me and all of the hard parts of my pregnancy were, in fact, totally worth it!

Happy 2 Months Little One!

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