Friday, March 8, 2013

When I See Your Face.....

...there's not a thing that I would change, 'cause you're amazing, just the way you are!

Lyrics to a song sung by the infamous Bruno Mars.  Sure they were supposed to be sung by a hopeless romantic to his one and only true love, but today they just seemed fitting for this little face.

The one really awesome thing about having a "potential" genetic problem is that you get to have lots of ultrasounds.  Today we had a growth ultrasound for our little girl.  After measuring and moving around, lub dubs and heartbeat counting, the consensus is she is looking perfect.  She is on the tiny size at present.  While I am thrilled that she could be a small baby I was a little nervous that she is only in the 18th percentile.  The Doc assured me that he wasn't concerned and that she is just small.  Grace then suggested that just maybe after a very hard pregnancy the Lord was going to gift me with a small girl and easy delivery.  I will pray for that.

After measuring her size he took a look at her feet and said without hesitation, "but she's got big feet!"  Yep, no doubt who's kiddo she is!  Although there are no red flags, the Doc wants us to schedule yet another growth ultrasound in 6 weeks.  These ultrasounds are becoming like milestones for me.  Just think, the next time we get a peek inside I will be 32 weeks or so!

Today Lily simple cannot put down her sister's pictures.  She keeps pointing to the one above and saying, "That's Evie's face and her eyes, and her nose."  Yep it is, her perfect little face.

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