Friday, November 30, 2012

Great Expectations

Oh, where to even start with this post......

Since getting pregnant with this little "miracle,"  I have dealt with nothing but horrendous nausea and vomiting.  It has colored every experience dating back to Vegas.  Being sick is YUCKY!  I had been looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday since The Jessups told us they were coming about 3 months ago.  Oh I simply couldn't wait.  Even with the nausea, at least I would have some distraction and fantastic conversation and activities to keep my mind off of my troubles.  When Tuesday of last week rolled around, I was ecstatic with glee waiting for Grace, Sebron and Jancsi to arrive.  We picked them up in the evening and headed up to the mountains to start our vacation.  Then vacation started.....

Tuesday night I woke up at 2AM spewing my insides out from all ends (I know your thinking, "Gosh Bethany couldn't you sugar coat it?" trust me, I AM).  I was so sick and every 15 minutes I was up spewing again.  It was unbelievable.  If I even drank 2 sips of water I was over the toilet.  By 8AM I could still hold nothing down and was miserably thirsty.  I decided with the morning sickness included I needed to get to a doctor.  We drove down to Conifer, met with a doctor and discovered that I had managed to get a stomach bug.  Thank God for anti nausea drugs!

On a side note:  Pregnancy has a funny way of taking your dignity.  Exhibit A: In the doctor's office headed to the bathroom I couldn't make it and had to dart into a room with a trash can, oh, and a waiting patient.  Exhibit B: While waiting for the script to be filled, I threw up right out of the car, just when the owner of the car next to us decided he needed to leave.  AWESOME!

So I managed to bring a stomach bug into our Thanksgiving household.  This bug was like no other bug I have ever experienced,  8 hours after me, Bob went down, 8 hours later Lily went down then like dominos, Mema, Grace, Sebron, Jancsi and Papa all went down.  IT WAS RELENTLESS and AWFUL!

We all missed enjoying our Thanksgiving dinner and traded it in for soup broth and popsicles.   We had the 5k Gobble Wobble on the books and Bob and I were too weak to do it so Grace and Sebron had to run it by themselves.

It was so discouraging.

Thankfully, since we all took turns there was always someone to watch the kids so that the parents could be sick.  Here are some of the times the kids had outside.

Amidst all of the misery, it was wonderful to share conversation and just live life again with Grace and Sebron plus it was wonderful to see our little kiddos together.

They have both grown up so much in the few short months that we have been apart.  It is simply special to have them together again.

The last 3 days were pretty good all things considered, even though we were all still under the weather. Grace and I got to run together.  I had so many runs planned and we got to do 1.

Oh well, it was special.  I just miss her so very much, especially now when we are both pregnant and still running.  Bob and Sebron also got to run together too even though it was late at night after Bob worked.

We made Christmas cookies, watched movies, went to the play ground and of course enjoyed a milkshake at Chic-fil-A.  Although the time together was different than we all expected we made the best of it.

Here was the one picture we managed to get of all of us.

This picture is really special because we don't have many friends that would be wiling to take a morning picture.  This is what I love about the Jessups, life with them is always real.  Hopefully next time we won't have the bugs take part in our festivities as well.


  1. Can't believe our trip is over and we are back to real life. You just have to come see us now! Pressure is on! Hoping your days get better and better as you near the end of this first trimester! God is able! Love you dear friend!

  2. So glad you guys got to spend time together...sorry about the bug, though. Did the kids know each other right away or did it take a bit for them to reaquaint!
