Sunday, November 18, 2012

Daddy Daughter Time

I love the weekends these days.  I seriously look towards our Saturdays and Sundays with great anticipation.  Why you ask? Because my husband is AWESOME!  Thats why.  AWESOME, WONDERFUL, AMAZING and a GOD SEND.  Here he works all week long and comes home to a "monster" of a wife.  Yes, my face is broken out like a 13 year old and I have cold sores from all the vomiting.  I do get a shower, but I always nap on my wet hair leaving a "stuck in a light socket" vibe while lounging in my 5 day old comfy pants and sweatshirt.  Oh, and, I cannot cook......anything right now.  So not only does he come home to his "lovely" wife, but he has to make his own pizza dinner, every night.  Yet despite all of this, when the weekends come, he is on, 100%.  Wife, Husband, Mom, Dad, Cook, Cleaner, Encourager and Friend.  Yep, he does it all and I am simply overwhelmed and completely amazed at the man the Lord chose to give me in this life.  There is simply none better.  True story!

This weekend was by far the worst for me yet.  I couldn't hold anything down on Saturday and today has been hit or miss.  So this weekend has turned into the great Daddy Daughter Date weekend.  He has taken her everywhere.  They went to the park, to Chic-fil-a, to the grocery store.  They read books, played airplane, made dinner, played in the water, read more books, vacuumed, took Lily's babies for a walk, played on the IPAD and did just about everything.  He even went for a bike ride, got a flat tire and ran back home for 6 miles when he couldn't reach his "never checks her phone" wife.  All so that he could get home to help get Lily ready for church.  He humbles me.  Bob has worn more hats than he should and has done it all with unwavering joy.  I love this man........even if he is the root cause of my vomiting.

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