Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Mini Gymnast

Frankly it is hard for me to admit this, but our little lady is growing up.  I know, its amazing how that happens.  She is so busy these days that Bob and I decided it was time to get her into some sort of social class so we picked Gymnastics.  Actually the class is called GymTastics and it's a toddler and mom class.   I couldn't help it.  Lily and I registered for it and last week was our first class.

Once Lily got into the big room she instantly said "paygound," and began her run and jump on everything phase.  She was really confused why she had to stay with Mommy and follow this new teacher Miss Caitlin around.  She just couldn't figure out why Mommy made her go on the beam when she desperately wanted to be on the bars.  Following directions in a "paygound" is new.  We worked on the bars, the beam, the trampoline and the floor.  With each new apparatus Lily found a whole new world of fun.  We are working right now on waiting our turn and when you have 10 toddlers that have to run down the trampoline, this lesson is really important.  I will admit that my child was the terror.  What can I say, we're new.  She cut in front of everyone, stood when everyone was supposed to sit, laid on the mat when everyone was supposed to jump on it and stomped on the numbers when everyone was supposed to jump over them.  She was her own little person and I had my work cut out for me just staying up with her while trying to convince the teacher and the class that, "yes I run a tight ship," and "no she doesn't get her way when she wants it..........usually."  Apparently, Gymnastics class brought out a whole new side of Lily Grace, let's call it Miss Independent.  She was convinced that this new "paygound" somehow had different boundaries.  Nope, just a Mom that had too many things to jump over, around and on to get to her. It was exhausting trying to keep up with a toddler that didn't want my all.

This picture below is literally the only time that I caught her sitting still and in one place.  I think it's because she found a new friend.  This is a sweet little girl that she wanted to hold hands with while they  "wait turn."  They didn't stay like this for long because once Miss Caitlin said "Okay Lily," she was off, bounding down the trampoline, giggling like crazy.

After we practiced somersaults and jumping off of blocks, the hour was over and it was time for all of the kids to get victory stamps!  Lily was mesmerized with what Miss Caitlin was doing, hence the only other time she sat still in one place without me restraining her.  

We drove home with her talking about her "nastics" and "stamp han."  She got a froggy on one hand and a pumpkin on the other.  Trust me, I know.  That's all she talked about for the rest of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. Goodness. I totally forgot to ask you how it went when we talked this week! Silly me! She looks totally adorable and such a big girl! Yay for Mommy and Me classes! What fun! Love all the pictures with her little pig tales!
