Friday, April 6, 2012

On this Good Day

Today is Good Friday and I could not imagine a better day to celebrate Miss Lily's 17 month milestone! Today we remember the Lord's great sacrifice, the burden of the cross, and celebrate the day when death gave us life. So humbling and powerful.

Lily is blossoming into a beautiful, precious and special little girl. Her baby days are fast leaving and there are moments each and every day where I look at her and see a little girl. She is growing up so fast. One thing that I have discovered about my daughter is that she is independent.

She feeds herself now and reads her Bible. She goes up and down the stairs all by herself and crawls up on the couch by herself and opens baggies by herself. Especially now that she is walking, the strength of will I see in her is amazing. She is SO independent, yet so tender and loving. This week we took her to the Marbles Kids Museum and I was just blown away with her. Sure, she loves me, but was in an absolute hurry to go anywhere and everywhere fast, Mom or no Mom.

The Museum is a hodge Podge of toys, games, play areas and activities. The museum was a bit above her, but she had a blast. Within the first 15 minutes of our arrival, she discovered the "Splash" zone, which is exactly what it was. They even had little rain bibs that the kiddos could wear to keep them on the dryer side. Even with the large bib, Lily managed to thoroughly soak her shirt. I literally wrang it out.

It was so wet that I took it off and let her go the rest of the morning as a half naked baby.

In a word, she LOVED it. I love that I am the kind of mom that takes off her wet shirt and lets her keep exploring. I got some looks from other moms, but Lily didn't mind a bit, she was having a blast.

We had a big first this week.....our first big "owie." Lily fell outside and scraped her little knee.

She really handled it very well and was only too eager to point at it every time someone talked to her. It took her by surprise the next day when she got down on her knee only to find that something hurt. She would wimper, point to her knee and go "boo boo" in a very concerned voice. It was almost like she forgot that she had it and was very upset that it was still there. Oh dear, the first of many.

The life that pours out of Lily is just a blessing and a joy to watch. She is so talkative and constantly in motion. Lily loves balls right now. I went to Target to fill an easter basket donation with goodies and bought a bumpy ball. Lily latched onto it immediately and it has been permanently attached to her little hands ever since. Both Lily and Jancsi loved it so much that Lily got Jancsi a green one for his birthday and they both meander around the house going "ball, ball, ball." Precious. The balls have undoubtably created several arguments and no matter how often you let Lily know that she has her own pink ball, she always wants Jancsi's green one and vica versa. Funny how these kiddos work.

This week brought temperatures in the low 80's so Grace and I decided one afternoon that we needed to try the kiddy pool for the babies. Grandma Feddy got Lily her bathing suit for the summer and it is simply adorable. O goodness is she cute or what?

She is as cute from behind as she is the front in her swimming digs. Once Lily got in the pool a big smile erupted on her little face and she quickly turned into Tsunami Lily, splashing and throwing water everywhere.

Lily was absolutely overjoyed with the little blue pool, Jancsi was not.

Poor kid cried every time Miss Lily splashed. It really was too cute to watch. I just stood by the side absolutely in awe of my little girl. There are moments where I cannot believe she came from Bob and me. She is just too perfect.

Makes me really connect with the power of Life. Babies and small children have an amazing way of living, free from the cares of the world, nothing holding them back, taking delight in the simplest things. Watching Lily grow is the clearest example of living life to the fullest. Today of all days I look at the life blossoming in our home and am forever grateful that the Lord laid down his life to show us how to live.

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