Tuesday, April 24, 2012


No we haven't made some intercontinental trek, we went to the North Carolina ZOO!
 The zoo is about an hour and a half away from us, but we and the Jessups decided that we had to get out there at least once all together.  I really think that all of us adults were far more excited than the littles, but they had a blast.  Lily is all about her sounds these days.  She can tell you what a kitty, doggie, duck, cow, monkey, lion, cow and sheep says.  She is learning so fast.

The zoo here is HUGE and would really take an entire day to get around, so, we headed to the Africa side and trekked through the safari animals until we lost the babies.  Our first stop was the giraffes and both kiddos were mesmerized.  Lily instantly started woofing at them (her response to any animal right now) and she couldn't help but point and squeal at them.

The chimpanzees were really the hit of the morning.  They were all very active and Lily stood at the window going "ah, ah, ah, oo,oo,oo."
 There was even a little baby chimp that Lily watched and watched.  Going to the zoo with a little child is so much fun.  Everything they see is amazing and new and exciting.  It really does bring a joy that is in one word....indescribable.

The lion was sleeping and very antisocial, but the rhinos, elephants, birds, lemurs, baboons and zebras where all out and about.

On the way back we sat and watched the African dancers. Both of the kids clapped and danced with the music.  Lily even got pulled on stage to dance with the kids and dancers.  At first I thought she would burst into tears, but she handled it like a pro.

We topped off the morning with a picnic lunch and tree climbing.

Oh what fun the zoo is!

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