Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our Family of 3

As Lily Grace's birthday fast approaches, I cannot help but think about our journey and how far we have come. Our precious little girl is the greatest most unbelievable gift that we have been given. I am amazed to think that 2 years ago Bob and I were feeling so overwhelmed with our infertility and our dear friend Armondo's passing. Truthfully, life felt dark, and we felt stuck in the valley with no end in sight. I remember thinking so wistfully about the idea of a baby, hoping that someday I would hold our precious little one, desperately trying to hold the mountains of negativity and "impossibility" at bay. What a hard time. In fact I can remember thanking God for trials at a Thanksgiving dinner. You know you are in a valley when trials are what you are grateful for.

That was then, and this is now........

Oh I just cannot believe that this moment, this day and this baby girl are here, real, tangible and BEAUTIFUL. God is so good and He is so faithful. His mercies are new every morning and He has delivered us from the valley. Great is His Faithfulness!!

Lily is a perfect example of the grace given to us.

She is a gift, undeserved, but given freely. Look at her beauty. She mirrors the image of a Perfect God who knit her together and who knew her even before time. She was planned and purposed even when Bob and I sat in the fertility clinic listening as the doctor told us that our chances of conceiving naturally were less than 5%. Her frame was never hidden and He knew her unformed body. I am so humbled, honored and blessed to have been given the gift of this precious little life.

As we get closer to her birthday we cannot help but reflect on every moment of the past 11 and a half months. Yes there have been sleepless nights and frustrated days, but we have cherished every moment of loving our Lily Grace. She is a Divine Joy sent to remind us that we serve a Powerful and Magnificent Creator. One who makes the impossible, POSSIBLE!