Monday, September 12, 2011

Let the Little Children Come

I am humbled and in awe every day that I wake up to a talkative little girl in the room next to us. While there are mornings that I wish she would be quiet for just a few more minutes, I am reminded of the treasure that lies not 20 feet from me. If it is possible, Lily has gotten more precious and more precocious. She is climbing on everything these days and just loves her new found trick of pulling up on things. Aside from the couch, the bathtub, the ottoman, laundry baskets, stools and chairs, I am ultimately her favorite chin up bar. Somehow she knows that if she grabs onto Mom she won't be so unsteady. It is so precious, she loves and relies on me in such big ways. How special to be someones everything. When Lily looks at me it is with a trust that is so innocently complete. Amazing.

Everyday that I spend in the presence of Jancsi and Lily I am absolutely floored at how the Lord loves us. When I hold both of them the protectiveness and intense love that I feel is overwhelming and I get a glimpse of the depth of love the Father has for us, His children. I love when the Lord talks about children in the Bible. Throughout Christ's ministry he was constantly breaking down walls and pushing boundaries. The image that we get in Luke 18 is one of those times. The Lord is teaching and ministering to people when mothers and fathers bring their precious little children to Jesus for healing and blessing. The disciples seeing how distracting children were going to be, rebuked them. Without missing a beat, "Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." ~ Luke 18:16.I can just see Yaweh, the King of Kings, reaching out his hands and allowing every child to crawl, run and jump into his arms. I can see him reaching out to hold each new born baby. Wow.

It got me thinking about the kingdom and why children hold the keys to it. The other day when I was holding Jancsi and Lily, it hit me. It isn't because children are innocent, perfect little beings, or because they are just so cute. Its because of the way they love and the way they trust. It's whole, without strings, and without fear. They don't live in a state of self preservation. They fully love. How sad that life has a way of teaching us to be fearful and to hold love back, what would it be like to become like a child again.Children truly are a gift from the Lord and a constant reminder to look inward and find the areas of myself that the Lord wants to remold. How beautiful to be the daughter of a King who never stops fighting for my heart..

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