Thursday, January 6, 2011

Our 2 Month Old

Our precious baby is 2 months old today. It is amazing and we are enjoying parenthood more and more every day. Today she had her doctors appointment and we are proud to say that she is weighing in at a nice 11 pounds 3 ounces (eating is most definitely not her problem). She is now 22 1/4 inches long and so super cute. Today was vaccine day and Lily was in line for 4 of them. Yikes! It was so sad because today was the first day that she has been happy while at the doctor and they had to go and ruin it. There she was smiling and looking around when boom, boom, boom, three shots in her little legs. She wailed her little lungs out. It was one of those screams where she got super red and cried so hard that she forgot to breathe for about 5 seconds. Poor baby! Truth be told I wanted to cry right there with her. I wanted to get a cute family picture of a smiling baby to mark the 2 month milestone, but she got so sick that she screamed from 5pm to 11pm. This is the best we could do!

Her little tummy did not handle all those vaccines very well at all. Oh well, just a reminder that life isn't perfect!

Lily is growing and changing constantly and she is becoming more and more alert as well as more and more engaging. Her sleeping patterns come and go but overall she is doing well.

She is fully transitioned into her own room and sleeping much better. Who would have thought? I get anywhere from 4-6 hours straight in the night which is so awesome and helps reboost the energy that has been depleted over the past two months.

I have noticed lately that since I had her I have been craving sugar like nobody's business. Baby weight is going to stay put if I don't kick that habit. I was watching the Dr. Oz show last week (yes, I love the Oz) and he did this special on habits that inhibit weight loss. Eating sugar is one of the number one "bad" things that you can do. Huh. Then he shared what the number one cause of sugar cravings is, drum roll please...........lack of sleep. Now it all makes sense. Alright I will hold onto my 10 pounds until I can really get some consistent sleep!

One of the cutest things that Lily has discovered is herself. Her swing has a mirror above her head and just recently she has discovered that there is a baby in there! Whoa. Not only is that baby always there when she looks, but she smiles when Lily does! So cool.

We have also started reading books and so far her favorite is Dr. Suess's Fox in Socks. She smiles as Momma tries to get through all of the tongue twisters. What fun!

I know it is hard to believe, but when she is not so cute, boy can she scream. She is getting stronger and aware of her voice. When Mom and Dad don't do just what she wants (ie. hold her over our shoulder, while standing AND moving around) she screams. WOW she can scream. I just love to hold her, but it is almost impossible to get anything done. I have been trying to vacuum and dust for 3 days. One of my good friends out here gave me this Baby Papasan chair to try.

It vibrates and you can put it almost anywhere. So we gave it a try yesterday and she smiled for roughly two minutes before tuning up the pipes. Bummer. Maddie, however, LOVED it.

The kitties are slowly getting used to the baby in the house and they are thrilled that she is in her own room because they have been granted access to our bed again. Maddie is so deprived of human attention that she tries to get it whatever way she can, even if it means that she has to sleep on Bob's feet.


  1. Love this post. When the girls were babies, I took a bottle of baby Tylenol to the doctor's office on shot day. When they opened their mouths to scream, I dropped in the Tylenol. Seemed to help--or maybe sedate them!

  2. Oh man she is such a cute baby, that hair standing up haha!!

  3. My suggestion for the first few rounds of shots: They usually give one that is liquid at the beginning, I can't remember which it is. For some reason they tend to give that one first but I suggest having them give it last because it is really sweet and stops the crying from the previously given shots! It always worked for Josiah.
